Official course description:

Full info last published 15/05-24
Course info
ECTS points:
Course code:
Participants max:
Offered to guest students:
Offered to exchange students:
Offered as a single subject:
Price for EU/EEA citizens (Single Subject):
10625 DKK
MSc. Master
MSc in Software Design
Course manager
Associate Professor
Part-time Lecturer
Course semester
Efterår 2024
26 August 2024
24 January 2025
Exam type
ekstern censur
Grade Scale
Exam Language
This course teaches the foundation of constructing user interfaces for computer systems. This problem is likely harder than you might think: computer programs very often perform complex tasks, yet users demand and need simple interfaces. Producing such interfaces requires an understanding of both the user—e.g., what are they trying to accomplish? what do they know already?—and the technology—e.g., how can we  implement a in a given UI framework the interactions that we want to present the user with, how do we interact with a backend API? In this course, students will develop both their design knowledge, but also their technical skills.
This course provides a high-level overview of the essential concepts related to interaction design and the fundamental programming patterns commonly used in programming user interfaces. By the end of the course, the students will have discussed in theory but also have followed in practice all the steps from a high-level description of a desired system to its implementation in a minimum viable product and its evaluation. Some of the topics that we are going to discuss in the course are:

• Usability and Usefulness
• Understanding Users and Requirements
• Modelling the Problem Domain
• Aesthetics and Visual Design
• Web Application Development
• Evaluating User Interfaces
• Software Design for User Interfaces
• Interacting with the Back-end
• Source Code Usability
Formal prerequisites

The students are required to have basic programming experience in general and strongly recommended to have basic web programming experience - JavaScript in particular.

Intended learning outcomes

After the course, the student should be able to:

  • Explain and compare interaction design processes and principles.
  • Understand and apply usability principles to user interface design.
  • Create, evaluate, and critique the design and of an interactive web application.
  • Design a domain model and create an implementation using a low-code backend platform.
  • Compose a technical implementation of a design using a frontend framework.
  • Reflect on and apply source code usability principles in order to support maintainability.
Learning activities

The course is designed around a practical project that is developed throughout the semester. The project is done in teams of up to four people. There will be lectures and exercises designed to familiarize and equip the students with the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out the project work. The teams present the evolution of their projects throughout the semester in a combination of progress presentations and written portfolio contributions.

Mandatory activities

In order to be able to be approved to participate in the oral exam, a student is required to:

  • participate in the development of the course deliverables (portfolio contributions and project source code)
  • provide constructive feedback to the design of another group in the form of a report review 
  • participate in group-to-group presentation of the group project.

The student will receive the grade NA (not approved) at the ordinary exam, if the mandatory activities are not approved and the student will use an exam attempt. If the student fails to pass a mandatory assignment, they may re-submit the assignment before the final exam hand-in.

The student will receive the grade NA (not approved) at the ordinary exam, if the mandatory activities are not approved and the student will use an exam attempt.

Course literature

The course literature is published in the course page in LearnIT.

Student Activity Budget
Estimated distribution of learning activities for the typical student
  • Preparation for lectures and exercises: 9%
  • Lectures: 13%
  • Exercises: 13%
  • Project work, supervision included: 43%
  • Exam with preparation: 13%
  • Other: 9%
Ordinary exam
Exam type:
D: Submission of written work with following oral, External (7-point scale)
Exam variation:
D2G: Submission for groups with following oral exam supplemented by the submission. Shared responsibility for the report.
Exam submission description:
Group report summarizing the requirements elicitation and the design process of the group project.
Group submission:
  • 2-4
Exam duration per student for the oral exam:
30 minutes
Group exam form:
Mixed exam 1 : Individual and joint student presentation followed by an individual and a group dialogue. The students make a joint presentation followed by a group dialogue. Subsequently the students are having individual examination with presentation and / or dialogue with the supervisor and external examiner while the rest of the group is outside the room.

Exam type:
D: Submission of written work with following oral, External (7-point scale)
Exam variation:
D2G: Submission for groups with following oral exam supplemented by the submission. Shared responsibility for the report.
Exam submission description:
Group report summarizing the requirements elicitation and the design process of the group project.
Group submission:
  • 2-4
Exam duration per student for the oral exam:
30 minutes
Group exam form:
Mixed exam 1 : Individual and joint student presentation followed by an individual and a group dialogue. The students make a joint presentation followed by a group dialogue. Subsequently the students are having individual examination with presentation and / or dialogue with the supervisor and external examiner while the rest of the group is outside the room.

Time and date
Ordinary Exam - submission Fri, 3 Jan 2025, 08:00 - 14:00
Ordinary Exam Mon, 20 Jan 2025, 09:00 - 21:00
Ordinary Exam Tue, 21 Jan 2025, 09:00 - 21:00
Ordinary Exam Wed, 22 Jan 2025, 09:00 - 21:00
Ordinary Exam Thu, 23 Jan 2025, 09:00 - 21:00