Official course description:

Full info last published 15/05-24
Course info
ECTS points:
Course code:
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Offered as a single subject:
Price for EU/EEA citizens (Single Subject):
21250 DKK
BSc in Global Business Informatics
Course manager
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor, Head of Center
Associate Professor
PhD student
Course semester
Efterår 2024
26 August 2024
24 January 2025
Exam type
ekstern censur
Grade Scale
Exam Language
In this course, students will learn to analyse and reflect upon the role of IT and culture in global collaborations.

SInce the 1980’s scholars have been arguing about the degree to which our world is becoming more globalised. At the heart of these discussions is the role that technologies, and in particular information technologies, play in globalising processes. With increasingly accelerated technological development people, goods, data, and ideas are now moving and working across more traditional territorial boundaries like never before. But with such an intensification of these processes come social, cultural, and political frictions. This course will provide students with a set of methodological and conceptual tools through which to engage with such frictions. With a particular focus on how global collaborations work in practice, students will learn to critically and reflexively approach the challenges and opportunities that emerge in collaborative settings. By engaging with a diversity of learning activities, including lectures, exercises, case work, and ethnographic writing, students will develop methodological procedures, analytical frameworks and critical reflection skills around IT-associated global collaborations.

Formal prerequisites
.There are no formal prerequisites for this course.
Intended learning outcomes

After the course, the student should be able to:

  • Describe the various theoretical perspectives on IT, globalisation and culture presented in the course.
  • Situate and contextualise the socio-political, cultural, technological, and ecological issues at stake in globalization processes.
  • Study a case of digitalisation or IT-mediated collaboration in a global context.
  • Examine and analyse your case through some of the conceptual tools discussed during the course.
  • Critically reflect upon the role of IT and culture in global collaborations.
  • Survey scholarly knowledge on the course topics to produce a literature review.
  • Propose and structure a research design according to academic standards.
Learning activities

The course is organised around lectures, group exercises, student presentations, and written assignments that are to become a research paper. The group exercises consist of practical and theoretical work that trains the identification, analysis and critical reflections about the themes of the course. Exercises and assignments will also focus on academic writing and on structuring research papers.

Required preparation for each time: Readings and fieldwork. Preparation from time to time will also include presentations of a text, extra reading, writing assignments and commenting on the writting of other students

Course literature

The course literature is published in the course page in LearnIT.

Student Activity Budget
Estimated distribution of learning activities for the typical student
  • Preparation for lectures and exercises: 20%
  • Lectures: 15%
  • Exercises: 15%
  • Assignments: 20%
  • Project work, supervision included: 20%
  • Exam with preparation: 10%
Ordinary exam
Exam type:
C: Submission of written work, External (7-point scale)
Exam variation:
C11: Submission of written work
Exam submission description:
- The exam is a research paper that the students analyse and critically reflect about their collaboration process during their case work.
- In order to write the research paper, the students should: use the concepts and theories taught in the course alongside with the data collected during fieldwork; research extra material in order to write a literature review; structure and present their work according to appropriate academic standards that will be taught during the course.

Exam type:
C: Submission of written work, External (7-point scale)
Exam variation:
C11: Submission of written work
Exam submission description:
- The exam is a research paper in which students analyse and critically reflect about their collaboration process during their case work.
- In order to write the research paper, the students should: use the concepts and theories taught in the course alongside with the data collected during fieldwork; research extra material in order to write a literature review; structure and present their work in appropriate academic standards and form that will be taught during the course.

Time and date
Ordinary Exam - submission Fri, 20 Dec 2024, 08:00 - 14:00