Official course description:

Full info last published 17/06-24
Course info
ECTS points:
Course code:
Participants max:
Offered to guest students:
Offered to exchange students:
Offered as a single subject:
Price for EU/EEA citizens (Single Subject):
10625 DKK
MSc. Master
MSc in Computer Science
Course manager
Associate Professor
Course semester
Forår 2024
Summer 2024
8 July 2024
23 August 2024
Exam type
ekstern censur
Grade Scale
Exam Language
The course is a hands-on introduction to the tools that are necessary to design and develop physical artefacts.

This course is the first course of the Robotics specialisation. 

The course will give an overview of the most important manufacturing methods like 3D printing, NC milling, laser cutting or moulding. In addition, we will explain how to design simple electric circuits to handle sensors and actuators and how to design printed circuit boards. These techniques will allow students to design physical prototypes on their own at the end of the course. 

The topics for each lecture could be: 
  • Lecture 1: The design process, 3D modelling and assemblies
  • Lecture 2: 3D printing
  • Lecture 3: Laser, water jet and plasma cutting and basic techniques (drilling, sawing, tapping, etc. )
  • Lecture 4: Machine elements (bearings, gears, belts, fasteners, etc.) and mechanisms
  • Lecture 5: Electronics, sensors and actuators
  • Lecture 6: Microcontroller programming and advanced sensors and actuators
  • Lecture 7: PCB design
  • Lecture 8: Milling and turning
  • Lecture 9: Moulding

Formal prerequisites

There are no formal prerequisites for this course. A completed course on programming such as "Introductory Programming" will be helpful but is not mandatory.

It is recommended to have taken the IxD Workshop Courses (Laser license and 3D printing license) These courses will allow you to use the IxD and REAL workshops during the course. However, we will run special courses for the students who did not take them.

Intended learning outcomes

After the course, the student should be able to:

  • analyse and compare the main manufacturing methods
  • model 3D parts and assemblies using Computer Aided Design (CAD) Software at beginner level
  • select the best manufacturing process for a component
  • design simple electronic systems and circuit boards
  • use different manufacturing tools to produce parts
  • prototype complete, but simple mechatronic systems
Learning activities

The course is divided into two parts:

Part 1. During the first part of the course, there will be lectures followed by a laboratory session. Each lecture will explain a technique, which should be used in the following lab. The lab assignments will be carried out in groups of two persons. After each lab, the student groups should work on the mandatory activity and write a one or two pages report describing their work. The reports will be handed in regularly during the first part of the course. Also a project proposal must be submitted online to get feedback from other students.

Part 2. The second part of the course is to work on a group project with supervision. The project should use several of the techniques learnt in the course. The group project report (small written report describing the prototype + documentation and design files) will be handed-in. In addition, you must clearly identify which parts of the work submitted you are responsible for and each member of the group should explain his/her design choices (maximum one page per student). 

It is essential that you follow both lectures and lab exercises in order to come along with mandatory activities and project.

Mandatory activities

Part 1:

There are 8 mandatory activities throughout the course. 7 mandatory activities are small hands-on tasks that are started in the laboratory session. Students must hand in 7 small reports describing the works carried out during each mandatory activity. These reports should be very small, maximum two pages long and five lines of text, but they must have some photographs of the work carried out. Depending on the assignment, the reports will be handed in learnIT or through a peer-grading system. The last mandatory activity is a presentation describing the final project that students plan to develop in the second part of the course. This presentation should be handed in as a video or presented in class. If the assignment is handed in a peer-grading system, it is mandatory that the student gives peer-feedback at a satisfactory level. The deadlines will be announced at LearnIT. Students must submit the MAs and give feedback on time at least for 4 MAs. If more than 4 MAs are delayed, students will have to show a functional prototype (carried out during the MAs) and pass a small oral exam. If any of the mandatory activities is not approved students have two weeks to re-submit.

The student will receive the grade NA (not approved) at the ordinary exam, if the mandatory activities are not approved and the student will use an exam attempt.

The student will receive the grade NA (not approved) at the ordinary exam, if the mandatory activities are not approved and the student will use an exam attempt.

Course literature

The course literature is published in the course page in LearnIT.

Student Activity Budget
Estimated distribution of learning activities for the typical student
  • Preparation for lectures and exercises: 10%
  • Lectures: 10%
  • Exercises: 10%
  • Assignments: 25%
  • Project work, supervision included: 40%
  • Exam with preparation: 5%
Ordinary exam
Exam type:
C: Submission of written work, External (7-point scale)
Exam variation:
C1G: Submission of written work for groups
Exam submission description:
As with all exams, a grading foundation must be established to make individual grading possible. You must clearly identify which parts of the work submitted you are responsible for.

The group project report consist of:
• a small written report describing the developed prototype
• documentation and design files
Each student should also write a small report explaining his/her design choices (maximum one page per student).
Group submission:
  • 2-3 students per group.

Exam type:
C: Submission of written work, External (7-point scale)
Exam variation:
C1M: Submission of written work for groups or individual.
Exam submission description:
As with all exams, a grading foundation must be established to make individual grading possible. You must clearly identify which parts of the work submitted you are responsible for.

The group project report consist of:
• a small written report describing the developed prototype
• documentation and design files

Each student should also write a small report explaining his/her design choices (maximum one page per student).
Group submission:
  • 1-3 students per group

Time and date
Ordinary Exam - submission Fri, 9 Aug 2024, 08:00 - 14:00
Reexam - submission Fri, 23 Aug 2024, 08:00 - 14:00