Official course description:

Full info last published 7/06-19
Course info
ECTS points:
Course code:
Offered to guest students:
Offered to exchange students:
Offered as a single subject:
BSc in Digital Design and Interactive Technologies
Course manager
Associate Professor
Part-time Lecturer
Part-time Lecturer
Course semester
Efterår 2019
26 August 2019
31 January 2020

The objective of this course is to learn the fundamentals of user experience design, interface design, and database programming. Basic theories, methods and techniques from user experience design and interface design are applied in group design exercises.


Understanding the qualities of user experience (UX) and interfaces to digital products, systems and services is fundamental in the broader field of digital design. In short, this area covers how we, as people, interact with digital technology, and how these interactions can be shaped to create a high quality experience, from aesthetic as well as functional perspectives. In addition, basic interactive products, systems and services generally utilize databases for storing data, and consequently, the fundamentals of database modeling are tightly connected with the area of interface design. 

Formal prerequisites

Enrolled in the Bachelor programme in Digital Design and Interactive Technologies

Intended learning outcomes

After the course, the student should be able to:

  • Apply basic scientific principles, theories and methods for user experience design and interface design
  • Apply current best practices for user experience design and design processes
  • Design a screen-based application in accordance to contemporary methods for interface and user experience design
  • Design and implement relational databases
  • Design a test for a screen based prototype and evaluate the prototype according to specified conditions
Learning activities

In this course, the students will learn the fundamentals of user experience design, interface design, and database programming.  

The course covers basic theories, methods and techniques from user experience design and interface design and applies them in group design exercises, where students design, prototype and evaluate the user experience and interface of a screen-based application. The design work relies on a combination of current research and best industry practice, and evaluation is carried out with user representatives in realistic contexts.

Course literature

The course literature is published in the course page in LearnIT.

Ordinary exam
Exam type:
D: Submission of written work with following oral, external (7-trinsskala)
Exam variation:
D1G: Submission of written work for groups with following oral exam. The oral exam will be based on the submitted work only. The group has a shared responsibility for the content of the report.
Exam description:

The students work in groups of 3-4 and hand in a project based on their prototype and evaluation work over the course of the semester. The report should be maximum 20 pages per group.

The oral exam will be 20 minutes per student. Group oral exam: Mixed exam 1.

Time and date