IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):Digital technology and new Business Models with Specialisation Project 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):Digital technology and New Business Models with Specialisation Project 
Semester:Forår 2017 
Udbydes, Digital Innovation & Management (dim) 
Omfang i ECTS:15,00 
Min. antal deltagere:
Forventet antal deltagere:
Maks. antal deltagere:40 
Formelle forudsætninger:Please note that this course is only available for students enrolled in the programme Digital Innovation & Management and signed up for the 1st course of the specialisation Process Innovation and New Business Models. 
Læringsmål:After the course the students should be able to:

1. Use the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas as a tool for business model and customer development
2. Explain and discuss key economic concepts of digitalization, both on the microeconomic and the macroeconomic level
3. Apply theories and frameworks covered in class to conduct a case analysis
4. Set the digitization into the context of historical technological change
5. Reflect on how current and prospective digital developments may provide opportunities for new business models and their societal impact
6. Conduct a project researching a course relevant subject..
7. Based on the project work, be able to describe and discuss a master thesis synopsis 
Fagligt indhold:The aim of the course is to provide the students the skills to sense and understand how digital technologies create or enable radically new business models, reshape the economy and the way businesses operate.
The course addresses the economic implications of digitization, both from a business and societal perspective, and sets digitization into the context of previous industrial revolutions. The course introduces the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas as two key tools for developing and analyzing new business models.
Case studies are an essential part of the course and students will work with cases from different industries. Types of business models include multi-sided platforms, unbundling as a business model, and a range of other business model archetypes.

Overall structure of the course:

The course will be run on six Wednesdays from 9 to 15 with a mix of lectures and exercises on the following dates:
February 1: Lecture 1 & 2: Economics of Digitization
February 8: Lecture 3 & 4: Economics of Digitization
March 1: Lecture 5 & 6: Designing & testing new business models
March 8: Lecture 7 & 8: New business models in different industries (with guest lectures)
April 5: Lecture 9 & 10: Methodology workshop (with Ahmad & Oliver - tentative date)
May 10: Lecture 11 & 12: Regulating the sharing economy 
Læringsaktiviteter:12 forelæsningsgange

Lectures will be a mix of regular lectures given by the course teachers and guest lectures bringing in case and industry-focused presentations. In addition the students have to conduct a project researching a course relevant topic. A few workshops will be conducted focusing on the students project work, and the students will be offered supervision for their projects. 

Obligatoriske aktivititer:Der er ingen obligatoriske aktiviteter. Vær venlig KUN at ændre denne tekst når der er obligatoriske aktiviteter.
There are no mandatory activities. Please, change this text ONLY when there are mandatory activities. 
Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:D2G Aflevering med mundtlig eksamen der supplerer projekt. Delt ansvar for projekt., (7-scale, external exam)

Group or individual hand-in with following individual oral exam in the full syllabus supplemented by the hand-in. The hand-in is drafted by groups of one to four students and should be approximately 15 pages plus 2 pages per student (i.e. one student 17 pages, two students 19 pages etc.). Shared responsibility for the report
Maximum group size is 4.
Duration of exam: 30 minutes per student incl. assessment and feedback.  

Litteratur udover forskningsartikler:Books:

Business Model Generation by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur (ISBN-13: 9780470876411).

Value Proposition Design by Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur et al. (ISBN-13: 9781118968055)

Rifkin, Jeremy: The zero marginal cost society (chapters to be selected) (April 2014)

Blix, Mårten: Digitalization, Immigration and the Welfare State (January 2017) (chapters to be selected)

Sundararajan, Arun: The Sharing Economy: The End of Employment and the Rise of Crowd-Based Capitalism (June 2016) (chapters to be selected)

Tapscott & Tapscott: Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business and the World (May 2016) (chapters to be selected)

Blix, Mårten: The Economy & Digitalization: Opportunities & Challenges (December 2015) - selected chapters

The RSA: Fair Share. Reclaiming power in the sharing economy (January 2016)
Nieman Reports: Breaking News - Mastering the art of disruptive innovation in journalism by Clayton Christensen et. al (2012) - selected chapters

European Commission (June 2016): A European agenda for the collaborative economy

Trebor Scholz: Platform Cooperativism (September 2016)

HBR articles:
Steve Blank: Why the Lean Start-Up Changes Everything
Hagel & Singer: Unbundling the corporation
Edelman: Mastering the Intermediaries: Strategies for Dealing with the Likes of Google, Amazon, and Kayak

The Economist articles:
The future of jobs. The onrushing wave
The on-demand economy
The promise of Blockchain: The trust machine

The Economist special reports:
The Economist Special Report on the News Industry
The Economist special report on fintech

Readings will be available on LearnIT.