IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):Projektklynge: Samarbejde med Københavns kommunes Borgerservice og Koncernservice  
Kursusnavn (engelsk):Project Cluster: Collaboration with the City of Copenhagen’s Citizens Services or Corporate Service Center  
Semester:Forår 2011 
Udbydes, digital design og kommunikation (ddk) 
Omfang i ECTS:0,00 
Min. antal deltagere:
Forventet antal deltagere:10 
Maks. antal deltagere:20 
Formelle forudsætninger:This project cluster is for Master of Science students who wish to write their thesis in collaboration with the City of Copenhagen, beginning February 1st.

It is not important which of the MSc programmes you are in since it is possible to work within many different themes and subject areas, relevant to students from different areas of study.

Students must meet requirements for beginning thesis work which are described in the Study Guide on the intranet.
Læringsmål:The current ”Goal descriptions for project and theses at the IT University” available in the Study Guide on the intranet will apply to theses written in this project cluster.

According to the Curriculum for the MSc programmes theses are also defined by a project agreement created in the projects base by the student. Project agreements needs to be approved by the supervisor and the Board of Studies.

Fagligt indhold:The IT University and the City of Copenhagen’s Citizens Services have established a collaboration which gives students the possibility of writing their thesis with either Citizens Services or the Corporate Service Center.

At the thesis start-up day, November 17th, some possible topics were presented by the City of Copenhagen. Below you will find some examples of these translated in to English – more information is available in Danish at:

Suggestions from Citizens Services involve areas/ questions such as:

- Mobile Technology: How can the Mobile Platform be used effectively?

- Usability: The citizens do not use existing self-service solutions to a very high degree – why? How can the medium be used in better ways?

- Web 2.0: Is it possible to reach and communicate with special target groups through web 2.0 solutions? What experiences do other public authorities have with using web 2.0? What are the technical and social issues involved in using web 2.0?

- Open source: New CMS to Is Open Souce the way to go? What are the potentials and challenges involved in switching to an Open Source CMS?

- Iterative and User-driven development of Experiences from Stockholm with engaging users are good but it costs and takes time to develop sites with users. Why should Copenhagen go down this path, what are the potentials and the dangers?

Suggestions from the Corporate Service Center involve areas/ questions such as:

- The City of Copenhagen’s intranet is one of Denmarks largest with more than 20.000 users. Here it is possible to work with an analysis of how the solution can support business and user needs in better ways, and make suggestions for improvements.

- Agile development in the public sector: Analysis of how the public sector can work with agile development methods within the public procurement framework. Or further development of the Corporate Service Centers project model for agile development methods.

- Project maturity: Investigation of the implementation of the project model in the Corporate Service Center. Assessing maturity and project tools. Making a suggestion for a maturity model and which initiatives that could support the further journey towards becoming a mature organisation within public sector project managment.

The suggestions above are only examples of possible topics. Citizens Services and the Corporate Service Center is also very much open for other ideas from students.

Information for Non-Danish speakers:
Although these suggestions have been presented in Danish at the thesis start-up day, non-Danish speaking students who are interested in writing their thesis with the City of Copenhagen are very welcome to join the cluster and contact the responsible for the project cluster about possibilities of working on projects in English.

There may however be some limitations on available material since most of the administrative work in the City is done in Danish. However, both Citizens Services and the Corporate Service Center are interested in hearing from Non-Danish speakers as well in order to explore possibilities of a collaboration within the student’s specific area of interest for his/ her thesis.

The meaning of this project cluster is to bring together students who wish to engage in these collaborations and create a structure for the contact to the City of Copenhagen, the preparations before the project period begins, and after this for having meetings and share knowledge and experiences about both process and subject area specific topics, give feedback etc. during the thesis process.

There will be a start-up meeting in January where it will be possible to make suggestions for activities and dates for later meetings.
A blog will be set up for the project cluster.

Students who are considering participating in this cluster needs to sign up here as soon as possible and no later than January 15th due to the coordination with the City of Copenhagen.

Students signed up for the cluster will be contacted in order for us to gain an overlook of the group and the participants' needs; both those who may already have been in contact with the City of Copenhagen and maybe found a topic, a thesis partner or supervisor, and the ones for who it is relevant to define or delimit areas of interest and set up contact to the relevant people.

If you wish to participate later than this date, please contact the responsible for the cluster directly on email, so we can look into possibilities of establishing a collaboration before the project period begins.


Project cluster
This is a project cluster. Students who sign up for this also needs to register their specific project in the project base. The project cluster in itself will not appear in the diploma – it will be the project title that is registered in the diploma.

Project agreements
Project agreements registered for theses in this project cluster will need to be approved by the Board of Studies on equal terms as for other projects. The student needs to ensure, in collaboration with the supervisor, that the chosen topic is within the study programme and subject area, and that the project agreement meets the usual requirements for such.

Rules and regulations
Each student is expected to read the current rules and regulations regarding thesis work which are available in the Study Guide on the Intranet, including relevant deadlines, the process of registering project agreements, and the general and subject area specific goals for thesis work.  

Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:X. experimental examination form (7-scale; external exam), 7-trins-skala, Ekstern censur

Thesis work is concluded with an oral project examination with external assessment. The exam form is filled out by the student in the project agreement for the thesis.

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