IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):From Concept Art to In-Game Graphics 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):From Concept Art to In-Game Graphics 
Semester:Efterår 2010 
Udbydes, medieteknologi og spil (mtg) 
Omfang i ECTS:7,50 
Min. antal deltagere:12 
Forventet antal deltagere:20 
Maks. antal deltagere:30 
Formelle forudsætninger: This is a introductory course to the development processes when defining and building the visual style and content for a digital game. A wide knowledge of games and game development tools is desirable but not required. Moreover the student must always meet the admission requirement of the IT university. 
Læringsmål:After the course, the student should be able to:
-Define and present a visual concept for a digital game.
-Iterate the visual style of a game
-Reflect on the production processes, pipelines and prioritization
-Reflect on the visual and technical impact of the content in a digital game
-Developed key assets for a digital game to be used in a game engine 
Fagligt indhold:The course will introduce the development of the art production in game development. It will center around designing and producing Art content for a digital game.

The assignment for the course will be to produce a “visual” vertical slice with a predefined theme, in order to move focus of the product to art production and not game design, though the course will reflect ass to how the art production and the game design can impact and mold each other.

I will encourage the students to work iteratively with the production, and to explore the aspects of the process that can form the production creatively in order to make something personal, yet broadly compelling. The students will have the course manager to guide and mentor the creative process and the actual production.

The Course has two areas of relevance:
- Practical: this course is centered around the production of a visual “vertical slice”. The production will be the catalyst for learning and expanding the students visual creative skills and practical production knowledge.
- Theoretical: The student will be introduced to the processes of art production in a digital game. They will learn how to evaluate, drive and prioritize the art production. The student will get an introduction to the various key elements in the visualization of a game, how those elements rank and how they are produced.

The Course will give the students:
-experience driving the creative process when developing the visual style of a game
-experience designing and executing the visual presentation of a game
-experience working with the graphical tools and assets in game development
To achieve these goals, the student will have to:
-familiarize themselves with a game engine, a 3D program and a 2D program
-create a visual “vertical slice” of a game
-familiarize themselves with asset restriction in real time rendering
-be willing to iterate the product more then once. 

14 weeks of teaching consist of lectures and exercises.
The course consists of 14 weeks of teaching. Teaching is here understood as a wide array of activities.

-Lectures: Lectures are typically given in the first two hours of classes. They are focused on one set of development areas. They are Typically teacher centric, but students participation is highly encouraged.

-Practical exercises: exercises are typically conducted in the last 2 hours of the class. There are two types: short exercises are performed during the first hour, and discussed and evaluated during the second. Long exercises are often proposed before a weekend, and evaluated the first day of class afterwards, using the last two hours.

-Project supervision: Supervision take place in the last two and a half months of the course, and are focused on direct interaction between the teacher and the students developing the project, with the goal of providing early feedback on the production.

-External talks: external talks are often one hour long, and given by industry representatives, on topics that are either not addressed in class, or only superficially touched upon, and that are external to the core pensum of the course.
The course is structured around two mandatory deliverables, a project and a written assignment. Failure to submit these deliverable will mean that the student will not be eligible for the final exam. The mandatory deliverable have to be handed in by the end of the semester, together with the rest of the documentation, as they are also a part of the final grading. these are the mandatory deliverable.

-All students have to prepare an oral presentation

Students are expected to attend lectures and participate in the exercises and project supervision. 

Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:X. experimental examination form (7-scale; external exam), 7-trins-skala, Ekstern censur

By the deadline date, students must hand in:

- 7 october 2010, prototype
- 18 november 2010, First early iteration
- 8 december 2010, The Final mandatory deliverable, plus a 2000 word text reflecting on the design and development process.

Every grading element will be evaluated with a 7-point marking scale. The final grade will be a weighted average (according to ministerial order and grading scale §13 - Ministerial order of grading scale and other forms of Assessment of University Education (grading scale order)).  

Litteratur udover forskningsartikler:  
Afholdelse (tid og sted)
Kurset afholdes på følgende tid og sted:
Torsdag 13.45-15.45 Forelæsning ITU 2A20
Torsdag 16.00-18.00 Øvelser ITU 2A20

Eksamen afholdes på følgende tid og sted:
2010-12-08 No later than 3 PM Skriftlige arbejder ITU The Examination Office
2011-01-13 Please contact the course manager Mundtlig eksamen ITU 2A20