IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):Experimental Design and Analysis 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):Experimental Design and Analysis 
Semester:Forår 2010 
Udbydes, digital design og kommunikation (ddk) 
Omfang i ECTS:7,50 
Min. antal deltagere:
Forventet antal deltagere:10 
Maks. antal deltagere:32 
Formelle forudsætninger:  
Læringsmål:After the the course, the student is expected to be able to:
[1] Identify relevant literature for a given research topic within industrial and research circles
[2] Extract knowledge from research literature on selecting variables for experimental evaluation
[3] Research and analyze a specific problem area, identify key hypotheses and research questions; develop and evaluate a strategy for analyzing the hypotheses experimentally, analyzing results, and presenting them visually
[4] Write a scientific report on results and solutions
[5] Characterize the fundamentals of experiment design and statistical analysis and apply this knowledge in a practical context
[6] Categorize different variables in statistical analysis and evaluate sampled data using basic statistical measures such as distribution, probability, significance, variance and correlation.
[7] Utilize key HCI-oriented statistical analyses such as factor analysis

Fagligt indhold:Course objectives: Provide students with the ability to consider hypotheses, design and plan experiments to test them, run experiments and analyze the data using basic statistics. Derive results and validate them, and write up scientific reports based on experimental studies.

Content of course: The course is focused around providing the students with a basic introduction to experiment design, and the tools necessary to plan experiments, analyze resulting data and present the results in coherent scientific reports. The course contains three major sections: How to write scientific reports, how to design and run experiments, and how to analyze experimental data.

The course includes some of the basic methodological elements of the existing Usability with Project course, thus freeing up space in that course to go into more depth with the key components of the usability testing. Similarly, some elements from the Target Group Analysis course have been implemented in this course, mainly those focusing on user modeling and quantitative analysis methods, in anticipation of the qualitative approaches being focused in a different course.


Condensed list of topics

1. How to write a scientific report

o The standard format of reports*
o Components of reports*
o Writing summaries, abstracts and introductions*
o Writing method sections (background, method, equipment, approach) *
o Writing results sections (analysis, results) *
o Writing discussions (discussion, conclusion, further work) *
o Referencing and formatting*

2. Introduction to experimental design

o Introduction to variables
o The scientific method
o Quantitative vs. qualitative methods
o How are questions researched? (hypothesis testing, explorative methods)
o The aims of research and experimentation
o Ethical considerations
o Data sources (user studies, log files, questionnaires) & introduction to data types
o Planning experiments:
- Data requirements
- Probability distributions, expected results*
- Within vs. between subject approaches*
- Effects of learning*
- Measures of data spread (standard deviation, variance)
- Data sources
- Data quality (precision + accuracy)

3. Introduction to results analysis and basic statistics
o Introduction to Excel & SPSS (statistics/analysis software)
o Descriptive statistics:
- Statistical significance*
- Confidence intervals
- Regression + line fits
- Inferential statistics
- Testing hypotheses
o Parametric statistics:
- T-tests*
o Non-parametric statistics [may not be required]:
- Mann-Whitney Test
- Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test
- Friedman´s ANOVA
o Choosing statistical tests:
- The need to think about statistics when designing a study
- Avoiding confusion etc.
o Populations: small vs. large
o Dealing with outliers
o Checking the validity of statistical assumptions (in practice) &
representativeness of results

4. Introduction to survey-based methods & analysis
o Finding the target audience**
o Creating surveys**
o Data analysis**
o Factor analysis & clustering

5. Introduction to data and results visualization
o Graphing, charting, representing data**
o Iterative visualization

Items marked [*] are currently covered in the Usability with Project course.
Items marked [**] are currently covered in the Target Group Analysis course.

Lectures: The basic approach will follow the standard model of 2 hours of lecturing (over 16 weeks) with however small exercises inserted to break up the lecturing stream and provide hands-on experience with the methodological material. The course will feature a reading list containing the material students should acquire for each lecture.

Exercises: The lectures will be followed by 2 hours of practical, exercise-based work in groups, where students follow cases based on the DDK-subjects and try out the statistical methods taught during the lectures. Group size will be varied from 2-5 depending on the tasks, to keep the environment flexible and accommodate different student learning styles. The exercises will vary according to the specific topic. Typical exercises will include planning, reporting or calculations.

Some exercises will be followed by short written assignments or presentations given to the class.

Workload: Expected 10 hours per week.

Information about study structure
This course is part of the DDK specialization User-centered Design. Find it described here:
DDK specializations

Se hvordan undervisningen er tilrettelagt her:
link til skemaoplysninger
Skemaoplysningerne vil være tilgængelige fra kort før semesterstart.

See the schedule here:
link to the time table
The schedule will be available shortly before the beginning of the term.


Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:X. experimental examination form (7-scale; external exam), 7-trins-skala, Ekstern censur


Litteratur udover forskningsartikler: Core book: “How to Design and Report Experiments” by Andy Field and Graham Hole – core book on psychological and natural science experimentation. Includes a good basic introduction to experiment design, statistical analysis and writing of scientific report. Fits the course excellently.
Andy Field has written numerous books on experiment design and statistical evaluation and is very good at explaining methodology to non-expert audiences.

Compendium: Supplements from: “Discovering Statistics Using SPSS” by Andy Field + datasets and notes for the exercises and case studies + various research articles and similar to back up the core book.
Afholdelse (tid og sted)
Kurset afholdes på følgende tid og sted:
Onsdag 08.30-10.30 Forelæsning ITU 2A14
Onsdag 10.45-12.45 Øvelser ITU 2A52

Eksamen afholdes på følgende tid og sted:
2010-06-04 09:00-13:00 Skriftlig eksamen ITU 3A50, 3A52
2010-08-20 Mulig dag for reeksamen /Possible date for re-exam Skriftlig eksamen ITU Eksamensform kan blive ændret / Examination form may be altered
2010-08-23 Mulig dag for reeksamen /Possible date for re-exam Skriftlig eksamen ITU Eksamensform kan blive ændret / Examination form may be altered
2010-08-25 Mulig dag for reeksamen /Possible date for re-exam Skriftlig eksamen ITU Eksamensform kan blive ændret / Examination form may be altered