IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):Digital Accountability 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):Digital Accountability 
Semester:Forår 2014 
Udbydes, Digital Innovation & Management (dim) 
Omfang i ECTS:7,50 
Min. antal deltagere:12 
Forventet antal deltagere:80 
Maks. antal deltagere:80 
Formelle forudsætninger:
Læringsmål:Based on the course literature student should apply significant research based theories of accountability to the development, implementation and/or governance of IT systems that are to support actors' and organisations' accountability;

Based on the course literature student should apply significant research based theories of the practical, political, societal or normative challenges, possibilities and complexities to the development, implementation and/or governance of IT systems that are to support actors' and organisations' accountability;

Drawing on the course literature student should develop reflexive accountability practices in complex or complicated work environments;
Based on the course literature student should be able to analyse actors' and organisations' own analyses and transformations of accountability infrastructures in corporate, state or civil society environments;

Based on the course literature student should critically assess and theorise the ramifications, advantages and disadvantages of accountability practices and implementation of accountability infrastructures;

Drawing on course literature student should organise collaboration in complex or complicated work environments within fields of digital accountability (using and reflecting upon practices and devices of heterogeneous engineering). 
Fagligt indhold:Digital Accountability (7.5 ECTS) will make it possible for you to identify, manage, understand and act within the political, ethical, cultural and legal framework surrounding IT.

Course manager: Ingmar Lippert 


Obligatoriske aktivititer:Mandatory assignment A:
Apply understandings developed in the module “Navigating Complexity” to identify and problematise components and relations in both formal and informal representations of accountability systems. Write up to 1000 words (2 pages per student/3 pages as a group) and provide helpful visualisations.

Mandatory Assignment B
Apply the course literature, especially theories of accountability and theories of the practical, political, societal or normative challenges, possibilities and complexities to the development, implementation and/or governance of IT systems that are to support actors' and organisations' accountability. Write up to 2000 words (5 pages per student).

Mandatory Assignment C
Present development of reflexive accountability practices in complex or complicated work environments in exercise meetings of the module. 
Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:X. experimental examination form (7-scale; external exam), 7-trins-skala, Intern prøve

Reflexivity Essay (in week 12):
Write 1500 words (3.75 pages per student) (+/- 5%) on a reflection of your collaboration practices in complex or complicated work environments within fields of digital accountability (using and reflecting upon practices and devices of heterogeneous engineering).

This will count for 30% of the exam
Main Essay (at the end of the semester):
Utilising Mandatory Assignment B and the feedback on it, write an essay of 4000 words (10 pages) (+/- 5%).
This will count for 70% of the exam  

Litteratur udover forskningsartikler:
Afholdelse (tid og sted)
Kurset afholdes på følgende tid og sted:
Tirsdag 14.00-15.50 Forelæsning ITU Aud 4
Tirsdag 16.00-17.50 Øvelser ITU Aud 4, 4A54, 4A16

Eksamen afholdes på følgende tid og sted:
2014-04-28 12:00 - Reflexivity Essay Se: Eksamensform - yderligere oplysninger ITU Submission in learnIT
2014-06-10 14:00 - Main Essay Se: Eksamensform - yderligere oplysninger ITU Submission in learnIT
2014-08-04 RE-EXAM - 12:00 - Reflexivity Essay Se: Eksamensform - yderligere oplysninger ITU Submission in learnIT
2014-08-18 RE-EXAM - 14:00 - Main Essay Se: Eksamensform - yderligere oplysninger ITU Submission in learnIT