IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):CMD-PPR2: Public Sector Process Rebuilding 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):CMD-PPR2: Public Sector Process Rebuilding 
Semester:Forår 2007 
Udbydes, e-business (ebuss) 
Omfang i ECTS:7,50 
Min. antal deltagere:20 
Forventet antal deltagere:40 
Maks. antal deltagere:60 
Formelle forudsætninger: Bemærk at dette er et kursus som udbydes i samarbejde med Cand.merc.-dat, CBS, Handelshøjskolen.
Hvis du ønsker at følge dette kursus bedes du læse følgende procedure for optagelse:

Faget er godkendt som et generelt fag for EBUSS studerende, og der skal derfor ikke søges om forhåndsgodkendelse. Hvis man ønsker at faget skal afløse et B-, P-, eller T-fag skal der sendes en skriftelig ansøgning til EBUSS studienævn.

Øvrige studerende skal søge ITU-studienævnet om forhåndsgodkendelse for at følge dette kursus.

This course can be followed by students holding a bachelor degree and with keen interest in understanding how organizations are adopting and exploiting digital media. 
Læringsmål:The course provides a constructive input to rebuild and improve the processes in which the public sector perform activities and interact with the citizens, companies, and the formal elected decision-makers. 
Fagligt indhold: This course focuses on digital government. The course focuses on Public Sector Process Rebuilding (PPR) from different perspectives. The course emphasizes information systems as the vehicle for change.

In the course we will argue government to use IT in government by centering IT in the activities and direct the applications to the customers, rather than the formal organization and in-house needs for optimizing the internal value chain. The mapping of individual public employees and their individual customers can help build a stronger and more valuable linkage between financing, organizing, and implementers of the public services. This could help reduce staff hours, consultancy payments, and efforts spent on self-invented, not documented, and seldom used IT-projects.

Mapping the activities in government to citizens, companies, and formal decision-makers takes its departure at isolating the activity molecules and carefully examine the components. Attempts to transfer actors from the five other components of the activity molecule (content; the division of labor; rules for communication; users tool-capability; and the technology components) is likely to be meet by power and politics play which in the public sector might is even more prevalent than in the private sector.


Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:X. experimental examination form (7-scale; external exam), 13-skala, Ekstern censur


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