IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):Parallelle Systemer (kl. 9.00 - 15.30) 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):Concurrency 
Semester:Efterår 2002 
Udbydes, internet- og softwareteknologi (int) 
Omfang i ECTS:7,50 
Min. antal deltagere:
Forventet antal deltagere:21 
Maks. antal deltagere:61 
Formelle forudsætninger:You are supposed to be able to develop simple object oriented programs in Java. The prerequisites may for instance be obtained through the introductory programming course GP at IT-C, followed by a four week programming project. 

The aim of the course is to give a conceptual basis for the understanding of concurrency and to make the participants able to construct smaller concurrent programs. Emphasis will be put on the modeling and design of concurrent systems as a means for doing correctness analysis and verification of program designs.

Having followed the course you will be able to:

  • Master basic concepts for concurrency: processes, synchronization, and communication.
  • Apply models for concurrency: process expressions and transitions systems.
  • Use verification concepts: safety and liveness properties, invariants, and model checking.
  • Argue for synchronization and communication mechanisms: Semaphores, monitors, synchronous and asynchronous communication and how to use these to solve clasical concurrency problems.
  • Posses knowledge of implementation techniques and principles: HW-architectures, multiprogramming, threads, thread-libraries, high-level languages.
  • Master thread programming in Java and be able to design and construct small parallel programs, e.g multithreaded applications or simple controlsystems.
  • Possess knowledge of designprinciples: SW-architectures. 
  • Fagligt indhold:The course covers the following topics:
  • Models for concurrency: Transition systems, process expressions.
  • Processes and threads, threads in Java
  • Shared objects and mutual exclusion
  • Monitors, invariants, semaphors, bounded buffers
  • Deadlocks, analysis and examples
  • Safety and Liveness properties, analysis and examples
  • Model-based design: UML, requirements, models, implementation
  • Dynamic systems, fair allocation, the master/slave model.
  • Message passing: synchronous/asynchronous, rendezvous
  • Architectures: Filter pipeline, superwisor-worker, annoucer-listener
  • Timed systems, model and implementation

    The course will put emphasis on modeling of concurrent systems as a means for analysis and implementation.

    <a href=\"\">The course homepage . 

  • Læringsaktiviteter:

    <!-- Excercises 9.00 - 12.00, followed by a lecture 13.00 - 15.30.-->

    Lectures, two smaller mandatory exercises, theory and exercises, and a mini-project.<!--Forelæsninger, 2 mindre obligatoriske opgaver, teori og lab-øvelser, miniprojekt--> 

    Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:X. experimental examination form (7-scale; external exam), 13-skala, Ekstern censur

    A 4 hour written examination with marking after the danish scale (in danish: 13-skalaen) and with external censorship. <!--If however less than 12 students register for the examination it will be oral, based on a 20 minutes presentation without preparation, but the questions are
    known beforehand.--> Any helping aids are allowed.

    <!--4-timers skriftlig eksamen med karakter efter 13-skalaen og med ekstern censur. Eksamenssættet vil være på engelsk. Eksamen kan dog være mundtlig, hvis ikke flere end 12 studerende har tilmeldt sig eksamen i kurset.-->

    During the term two mandatory exercises and a mini-project are posed. All three must be approved in order to qualify for participating in the examination, the solutions are not part of the actual examination.

    <!--I løbet af semesteret stilles to obligatoriske afleveringsopgaver og et mini-projekt.
    Aflevering af de to obligatoriske opgaver samt aflevering og godkendelse af mini-projektet er en forudsætning for at kunne tilmeldes eksamen. Besvarelserne vil dog ikke indgå i karakteren. Alle skriftlige hjælpemidler tilladt.-->  

    Litteratur udover forskningsartikler:<a href=\"\">Jeff Magee og Jeff Kramer: \"Concurrency, State models and Java programs\", Wiley, ISBN 0471987107.