IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):Digital Accountability with Project 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):Digital Accountability with Project 
Semester:Efterår 2014 
Udbydes, Digital Innovation & Management (dim) 
Omfang i ECTS:15,00 
Min. antal deltagere:12 
Forventet antal deltagere:40 
Maks. antal deltagere:50 
Formelle forudsætninger:Please note that this course is only available for students enrolled in the programme Digital Innovation & Management.

This course assumes students have carefully engaged with the literature assigned in Navigating Complexity.
In particular this course requires students to be drawing on the arguments, methodologies and concepts developed in:

  • Latour, Bruno (1987). Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers through Society. Cambridge, Harvard University Press.

  • Haraway, Donna (1988). “Situated Knowledges: The Science Question In Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspectives.” Feminist Studies 14 (3): 575–599.

  • Verran, H. (2001). Science and an African logic. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. Chp 1, pp. 1-20.

  • Law, John & Singleton, Vicky (2005). “Object Lessons.” Organization, 12(3), 331-355.

Læringsmål:Grounded in identifying and explicating relevant arguments and concepts in the assigned and prerequisite course literature, the student will learn to

  • problematise digital accountability – where problematising implies

    • a detailed analysis of a specific set of material-semiotic digital accountability relations,

    • an argument for why and how these relations constitute digital accountability,

    • a critical discussion of the practical, political, societal and normative implications of these relations;

  • organise collaborative analysis of digital accountability – based upon

    • a detailed analysis of a specific set of material-semiotic digital accountability relations,

    • an argument for why and how these relations constitute digital accountability,

    • substantiating why this way of organising

      • promises a high level of analysis,

      • promises achieving a high level of collaboration.

Fagligt indhold:Digital Accountability with project (15 ECTS) will make it possible for you to identify, manage, understand and act within the political, ethical, cultural and legal framework surrounding IT. 

Learning activities will be centered on student groups reconstructing analyses of digital accountability cases as well as on conducting own analyses of digital accountability cases.

Lecturing will be very limited; instead activities are designed to make learners identify, visualise and theorise the components and relations in digital accountability practice and infrastructure. 

Obligatoriske aktivititer:
  • An own experience of digital accountability
    Analyse a situation of your own life in which you encountered digital accountability using ANT and definitions of accountability. Write 4 pages.

  • Implement a digital accountability software – case bibliography management
    Enable encrypted email communication between you and all other course participants and share your signed public key with the teaching team.

  • Implement a digital accountability software – case encryption
    Enable Zotero use in your work flow, join the course's bibliography group and upload at least two references to the group.

  • Open a case of digital accountability - group assignment
    Collaboratively analyse the promises of a digital accountability “solution” and discuss possibilities of problematising these promises using ANT and the course literature. Write 4 pages.

  • Book(s) review and digital accountability
    Review an empirical theme by means of 1-2 assigned books (i.e. produce a book report) and argue for how the book(s) can be useful to studies of digital accountability (i.e. extend the report into a book review). Write 8 pages

  • Develop an analytical focus
    Review two articles on an assigned analytical concept and argue for how it can be used in studies of digital accountability using your group's case to illustrate the concept. Write 5 pages

  • Conduct and organise a workshop for a collaborative analysis of digital accountability - group assignment
    As a group, develop a proposal (about 2 pages) for, and organise a class workshop that supports you in a collaborative analysis of your case; this proposal is to be grounded in an analysis of your digital accountability case (write about 8 pages of analysis, i.e. 10 pages in total).
Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:X. experimental examination form (7-scale; external exam), 7-trins-skala, Intern prøve

Please note:

In the 15 ECTS-version of the DA course, compared to the 7.5 ECTS-version described below, the students will expand the syllabus with academic literature of approximately 400 pages. Students will spend app. 412 hours on the course compared to 206 hours for the 7.5-version of the course, and hence the problem scope, depth and size of the theoretical and empirical material analysed is required to be substantially larger than with the 7.5 ECTS-course.


Evaluate the results of your digital accountability analysis based on your critical engagement with the book(s) and your analytical focus as well as based on teachers' feedback on your manuscript draft and on your other written work. Write 20 pages.  

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