IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):Prototyping af interaktive teknologier 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):Prototyping Interactive Technologies 
Semester:Efterår 2018 
Udbydes under:cand. it, digital design og interaktive teknologier (k-ddit) 
Omfang i ECTS:7,50 
Min. antal deltagere:120 
Forventet antal deltagere:
Maks. antal deltagere:160 
Formelle forudsætninger:Students enrolled in 1st semester of the K-DDIT programme. 
Læringsmål:After the course, the student should be able to,
- Use current industry-standard mobile application prototyping tools and frameworks in the design for mobile interaction
- Apply standard design guidelines and best practices in the prototyping for mobile interaction
- Apply Usability and User Experience design principles and methods in the prototyping for mobile interaction
- Analyze and discuss mobile interaction and mobile practices as part of rich physical and social settings 
Fagligt indhold:The course is a hands-on introduction to prototyping of mobile applications and mobile services. Storyboarding, scenario writing, and wireframing techniques are introduced. Building on basic JavaScript programming skills, a hybrid mobile application programming framework (e.g. PhoneGap,Ionics,React Native) is introduced. The programming of mobile device hardware components (e.g. GPS, NCF) as well as the use of software libraries (e.g. Google Maps, Geolocation API) are introduced as part of the hands-on prototyping of Location Based Service systems.

Basic principles of usability and user experience design are introduced and it is discussed how these principles are reflected by industry interface design guidelines for IoS and Android-based mobile devices.

Broader notions of social computing and crowd based computing are discussed and exemplified through hands-on exercises introducing the design for interaction with cloud-based computing systems.

The concept of context as unfolded in theories on embodied/situated interaction is introduced to inform the design and analysis of mobile interactions throughout the interaction design process. 

The course consists of 12 lectures and 12 exercises.
Overall, the course advances in parallel with student work on a series of three prototypes moving from exploring the basic notion of hybrid mobile applications and mobile interaction, through the programming of smartphone hardware components towards the prototyping for mobile interaction with location-based services. Later prototypes relies on the capabilities of individual phones as well as functionality residing in the ‘cloud’.

Work on the three prototypes is conducted in groups of 3-5 students. Three group assignments reporting on the group work with each if the three prototypes are entered in the students’ individual digital portfolios.

The course is structured in two phases.
In phase one, participants are exposed to basic tools and frameworks. While adhering to relevant design guidelines, students create two prototypes of mobile web apps exploring principles of mobile interaction while demonstrating the use of appropriate prototyping tools.

In phase two, participants develop a prototype project of their choice within the broader area of location-based and proxemic interaction. Theoretical concepts from the fields of user experience and usability inform and are at the same time exemplified through this work. Project work emphasizes the construction of prototypes as vehicles for designerly inquiry. Informed by the theoretical frameworks introduced on the course the participants demonstrate how to analyze, discuss and make appropriate design decisions given the particularities of a design situation. The project facilitates a critical view and reflection on tools, process and method. 

Obligatoriske aktivititer:None 
Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:CG: Skriftlige arbejder i grupper uden mundtlig eksamen., (7-scale, external exam)

Students are expected to hand in their portfolio reporting on the group work (group of 3-5 students) on the three prototypes as well as a 5 page individual report reflecting on process, outcome and how the theoretical concepts and the tools and methods introduced on the course has informed the actual prototyping work displayed in the portfolio.