IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):Spildesign 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):Game Design 
Semester:Efterår 2006 
Udbydes, medieteknologi og spil (mtg) 
Omfang i ECTS:15,00 
Min. antal deltagere:
Forventet antal deltagere:60 
Maks. antal deltagere:60 
Formelle forudsætninger:This is an introductory course, but it is an advantage to be aware of different computer- and video game genres.

Læringsmål:The course enables the student to:
-Create, develop, and implement a game design.
-Use knowledge of different game genres and their particular strengths and possibilities.
-Understand of how the different aspects of games: Games as fiction, games as rules, and games as social activities work together.
-Create game designs that enable specific types of player experiences. (I.e. social games, strategic games, etc.)
-Understand the relation between design choices and player experiences.
-Evaluate game concepts.
-Structure the process from game design to game prototype, to game production and game testing.

Fagligt indhold:The course is centered on the design and implementation of a game prototype.
The course is primarily practically oriented, but we will read a number of texts on computer game theory, computer game design, development methods, and game testing as well as examine existing games.
Games are developed in self-selected groups of 3-5 people.

To start designing games, we will spend the first two lectures designing, implementing, and testing a board or card game.

During the rest of the course, course participants must develop and implement a video game design. The game prototype developed is meant as a way of evaluating the core ideas of the game design.
Game designs cannot be clones of existing games, but must be innovative and fun. Innovation can be on any number of levels such as gameplay, genre, content, experiences, target groups, or alternative interfaces.


The course typically consists of a morning lecture with discussion, analysis and/or student presentations, and practical exercises in the afternoon.

I introugen (mandag den 28. august til fredag den 1. september) er øvelsestimerne aflyst. Dvs. at der kun er undervisning fra 10-12.

Exercises have been cancelled during the intro week (Monday the 28th of August to Friday the 1st of September).That means you only have classes from 10AM-12.

Information om studiestruktur / Information about study structure
Dette kursus er en del af MTG¿s backbone, som du kan finde beskrevet her:
MTG studiestruktur
For at blive i MTG skal du bestå MTG¿s backbonekurser, og desuden gennemføre en 22,5 ECTS specialisering samt to 7,5 ECTS valgfag.

This course is part of the MTG backbone ¿ find it described here:
MTG study structure
In order to graduate as a MSc in MTG, you need to pass the MTG backbone courses, and also take a 22,5 ECTS specialization and two 7,5 ECTS electives.


Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:X. experimental examination form (7-scale; external exam), 13-skala, Ekstern censur

As a part of this course you can hand in a number of short essays and exercises while you are attending classes (voluntary assignments). Also, you are expected to write a fair-sized project as a part of this course, while you are attending classes. The project size corresponds to 7,5 ECTS, and it will be carried out principally during the last four weeks of the course.
There will be dedicated supervision to both the short essays and the project, and students should expect some classes to be reserved to project writing and supervision only.
The project must be handed in by December 20th at the Exam Office no later than 3 PM. The short essays will serve to evaluate the participation and progression of the student throughout the course, but the oral exam will be centered exclusively on the project.
Som del af dette kursus kan du vælge at aflevere kortere essays og øvelser mens undervisningen pågår (frivillige opgaver). Desuden forventes du at skrive et større projekt sideløbende med undervisningen. Projektet har et omfang svarende til 7,5 ECTS og skrives i løbet af kursets fire sidste uger.
Der vil være afsat vejledningstid til både de korte essays og projektet, og der vil være undervisningsgange afsat til vejledning og projektskrivning.
Projektet skal afleveres den 20. december 2006 på Eksamenskontoret senest kl. 15.00 De korte essays afleveret i kursusperioden vil evaluere den studerendes deltagelse og progression, men den efterfølgende mundtlige kursuseksamen vil udelukkende tage udgangspunkt i det projekt, der afleveres den på Eksamenskontoret.

Litteratur udover forskningsartikler:Main course book
The main book of the course is Game design workshop by Tracy Fullerton, Christopher Swain, and Steven Hoffman. Please buy this book.

Additional texts

Don Carson: "Environmental Storytelling: Creating Immersive 3D Worlds Using Lessons Learned from the Theme Park Industry". Gamasutra 2000.

Mark Cerny: "Method". Game Developer Magazine 2002.

John P. Davis, Keith Steury, and Randy Pagulayan: "A survey method for assessing perceptions of a game: The consumer playtest in game design". Game Studies 05/01, 2005.

Noah Falstein: "The 400 project". 2001-2004.

Bill Fulton: "Beyond Psychological Theory: Getting Data that Improve Games". Gamasutra 2002.

Jussi Holopainen & Staffan Björk: "Game Design Patterns". 2003.

Robin Hunicke, Marc LeBlanc, Robert Zubek: MDA: "A Formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research". 2004

Katherine Isbister: "10 tricks from psychology for making better characters". GDC 2004.

Jesper Juul: The open and the Closed: Games of Emergence and games of progression. CGDC, Tampere, 2002.

Medlock, Wixon, Terrano, Romero, Fulton: "Using the RITE method to improve products; a definition and a case study". 2003.

Rouse, Richard: "The Elements of Gameplay". Fra Game Design: Theory and Practice p. 121-145. Plano, USA: Wordware Publishing 2001. p. 1-19.

Shelley, Bruce: "Guidelines for Developing Successful Games". Fra Gamasutra, 2001.

Harvey Smith: "Systemic level design for emergent gameplay". GDC 2002.

Harvey Smith: "Practical Techniques for Implementing Emergent Gameplay". GDC 2004.

M. Wibroe, K.K. Nygaard & P. Bøgh Andersen: "Games and Stories". In Lars Qvortrup (red.): Virtual Interaction. London: Springer Verlag 2001. p. 166-181.

Afholdelse (tid og sted)
Kurset afholdes på følgende tid og sted:
Tirsdag 10.00-12.00 Forelæsning ITU Aud. 3 (2A56)
Tirsdag 13.00-15.00 Øvelser ITU Gamelab
Torsdag 10.00-12.00 Forelæsning ITU Aud. 3 (2A56)
Torsdag 13.00-15.00 Øvelser ITU Gamelab

Eksamen afholdes på følgende tid og sted:
2006-12-20 15:00 / 3 PM Skriftlige arbejder ITU Eksamenskontoret / Exam Office
2007-01-09 Tidspunkt oplyses senere Mundtlig eksamen ITU Lokale oplyses senere
2007-01-10 Tidspunkt oplyses senere Mundtlig eksamen ITU Lokale oplyses senere
2007-01-11 Tidspunkt oplyses senere Mundtlig eksamen ITU Lokale oplyses senere
2007-01-12 Tidspunkt oplyses senere Mundtlig eksamen ITU Lokale oplyses senere
2007-01-15 Tidspunkt oplyses senere Mundtlig eksamen ITU Lokale oplyses senere