IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):CMD-ERP4: Enterprise Resource Planning Systems ¿ with hands on 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):CMD-ERP4: Enterprise Resource Planning Systems ¿ with hands on 
Semester:Forår 2007 
Udbydes, e-business (ebuss) 
Omfang i ECTS:15,00 
Min. antal deltagere:
Forventet antal deltagere:10 
Maks. antal deltagere:10 
Formelle forudsætninger:Bemærk at dette er et kursus som udbydes i samarbejde med Cand.merc.-dat, CBS, Handelshøjskolen.
Hvis du ønsker at følge dette kursus bedes du læse følgende procedure for optagelse:

Faget er godkendt som et generelt fag for EBUSS studerende, og der skal derfor ikke søges om forhåndsgodkendelse. Hvis man ønsker at faget skal afløse et B-, P-, eller T-fag skal der sendes en skriftelig ansøgning til EBUSS studienævn.

Øvrige studerende skal søge ITU-studienævnet om forhåndsgodkendelse for at følge dette kursus.

Business analysis and programming skills at a level similar to a BSc in Computer Science and Business Administration. 
Læringsmål: The purpose of this course is to give the students a comprehensive introduction to enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems in Denmark exemplified by Microsoft Business Solutions Axapta 3.0, which is one of the most widely used ERP systems in Denmark. With an ERP system the understanding acquired from the business courses will be coupled to that of information systems.

During the course the participant will acquire knowledge of several domains within ERP systems including training on configuration as well as programming.

During the course you will:

Learn the basics about ERP systems from several perspectives.
Acquire an understanding of the principles of ERP systems.
Learn about the advantages and limitations of these systems and to critically assess and evaluate needs and requirements for ERP systems.
Build practical experience with business analysis and modeling techniques required to specify and model an ERP system.
Get hands-on experience with systems tailoring, modification, and extension required to meet businesss and domain specific needs.
The course is particularly relevant for these job-profiles:

IT developers and product managers ¿ working in specific application areas: deep understanding of the business nature, best practices and patterns in the area that the application supports, and understand the flexibility and boundaries of systems.
IT manager - understand the complex decision process and predictions on future needs
Consultant - understand the implementation project, understand integration and the basics of an ERP system
Business decision maker - an understanding of others¿ experiences with ERP systems, the functionality of ERP systems, and understand the process of sourcing, implementation, upgrading, operating and realising benefits. 
Fagligt indhold: Enterprise Resource Planning Systems are vital to support efficient business operations. The aim of Enterprise Resource Planning systems is to support the business processes in companies by providing a common electronic platform internally and possibly externally to the business transactions. By use of ERP support for business processes a company can standardize and improve performance of the business processes and thereby possibly also the overall performance of the company.

The course will follow the process a company takes from business vision to implementation of a supporting ERP system..

You will map the business processes for a company and suggest improvements. You will work out a business case for selection of an ERP system and the degree of customization needed.

To verify that the ERP system supports the user requirements you will do the technical set-up, and extend the functionality required to implement and demonstrate a selected business process.

The course will contain a mix of lectures, hands-on training sessions, presentations by guest lecturers, student presentations and group work. The course will be taught by people from Microsoft Business Solutions as well as from CopenhagenBusinessSchool. 

Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:X. experimental examination form (7-scale; external exam), 13-skala, Ekstern censur


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