IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):DADIU Curriculum 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):DADIU Curriculum 
Semester:Efterår 2018 
Udbydes, spil (games) 
Omfang i ECTS:15,00 
Min. antal deltagere:
Forventet antal deltagere:
Maks. antal deltagere:10 
Formelle forudsætninger:DADIU (The National Academy of Digital, Interactive Entertainment) educates students in all aspects of producing a computer game. It is a collaboration between universities and art schools across Denmark, and the education is coordinated by the National Film School of Denmark. DADIU handles the application and admission process. Students are required to be accepted at DADIU if they want to take this course.

More details about the admission process can be found at 
Læringsmål:After the course the student should be able to:
- describe and reflect on key aspects of her role in a joint games production
- perform in her assigned role in a joint games production
- describe and reflect how her role in a team relates to other team roles 
Fagligt indhold:During the first four weeks you will get both a theoretical and practical starting point for developing computer games. You learn about the important aspects of game development and are introduced to the various roles and responsibilities of the needed competencies. During October you have the opportunity to concentrate on a specific aspect in game development that relates to your own specific competence. The DADIU Curriculum consists of a series of individual courses organized by DADIU. 

DADIU provides lectures that introduce the core competences and skills necessary to perform in various roles of a games production team as well as to processes and methods that apply to game development. As part of this introduction, the student takes part in two practical projects where they execute their assigned roles, reflect on their roles and on the relations to other roles in a team. 

Obligatoriske aktivititer:Der er ingen obligatoriske aktiviteter. Vær venlig KUN at ændre denne tekst når der er obligatoriske aktiviteter.
There are no mandatory activities. Please, change this text ONLY when there are mandatory activities. 
Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:D11: Aflevering med mundtlig eksamen baseret på aflevering., (pass/fail, internal exam)

Grading criteria:
You are assessed according to your abilities to demonstrate that you have acted in your specific role in the joint games production. Your submission consists of a written report followed by an oral exam. The report documents how at least two workshops/lectures that you participated in at DADIU relates to your role in the DADIU project. E.g. if you are a project manager you relate the content taught at a project management class to the practical experience of being in that role during the final production.

The report should communicate a) key aspects of your role in a games production, b) competence about your role in a games production and c) how your role relates to other roles in the team.

The report should have 7-8 standard pages. The oral exam will take 20 minutes consisting of 10 minutes of presentation and 10 minutes of Q&A.