IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):Spiludvikling 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):Game Development 
Semester:Efterår 2006 
Udbydes, medieteknologi og spil (mtg) 
Omfang i ECTS:15,00 
Min. antal deltagere:
Forventet antal deltagere:35 
Maks. antal deltagere:40 
Formelle forudsætninger:1.semester module Game Design or equivalent

That is acquired introductory level knowledge of the following:
Creation, development and evaluation of game designs and concepts
Practical knowledge of game genres for game design
Implementation of at least one game prototype using simple scripting in a prototyping tool.
A structured approach to the game development process from design to prototype

If you have previously followed either the old game programming course or equivalent, please contact the responsible teacher for counselling.

NB! Please note that the old Game Development course and this new course are two different courses!
In other words there are no problems in following the new course, if you've taken the old course.


Læringsmål:The course objective is to give you a practical introduction to game development as well as the relevant theory behind game technologies. The focus of the course is on the development and scripting of games and not on the actual design of the games (since that is a prerequisite).

After the course you can:

- explain phases in game development (from idea to product).
- integrate 3D games engines in your script programs but not write the engines yourself.
- program in script languages and scripting engines for games.
- describe basic game system architecture
- address real time aspects
- summarize the construction of network games
- relate to artificial intelligence and game logic
- relate to computer graphics including animations

You will have together with your group implement a 3D game. 
Fagligt indhold:The focus will be on scripting using 3D engines and scripting engines. The PC will be used as the platform for development in the course.

The course topics are:
1. Roles in game development and team work (competences typical in play)
2. Basic of 3D engines (what can they do for you)
3. Scripting languages and engines (the use of high level gaming languages to achieve more fast)
4. Simulations (Collision detection and reaction, ..)
5. Computer graphics, scenegraphs, animation and the like
6. AI (chase and evading, path finding)
7. Synchronise sounds

In order to focus, and maximize the learning potential for all, one platform has been chosen for use in this course: the open source engine Panda3D 

The course will consist of lectures combined with practical exercises. During the practical exercises you will write small modules and programs to solve specific problems related to games. As an extension of the practical exercises and homework you will use your acquired knowledge to design, develop and implement/script (script the program) a game.
I introugen (mandag den 28. august til fredag den 1. september) er øvelsestimerne aflyst. Dvs. at der kun er undervisning fra 10-12.

Exercises have been cancelled during the intro week (Monday the 28th of August to Friday the 1st of September).That means you only have classes from 10AM-12.

Information om studiestruktur / Information about study structure
Dette kursus er en del af MTG¿s backbone, som du kan finde beskrevet her:
MTG studiestruktur
For at blive i MTG skal du bestå MTG¿s backbonekurser, og desuden gennemføre en 22,5 ECTS specialisering samt to 7,5 ECTS valgfag.

This course is part of the MTG backbone ¿ find it described here:
MTG study structure
In order to graduate as a MSc in MTG, you need to pass the MTG backbone courses, and also take a 22,5 ECTS specialization and two 7,5 ECTS electives.

Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:X. experimental examination form (7-scale; external exam), 13-skala, Ekstern censur

Som en del af dette kursus forventes du at skrive et større projekt sideløbende med undervisningen. Vejledning foregår i forbindelse med undervisningen og der vil være undervisningsgange afsat til projektskrivning. Projektet har et omfang svarende til 7,5 ECTS og skal afleveres den 20. december 2006 på Eksamenskontoret senest kl. 15.00 Den efterfølgende mundtlige kursuseksamen vil tage udgangspunkt i projektet.
You¿re expected to write a fair-sized project as part of this course while you attend classes. Supervision will take place in relation to teaching, and some classes will be reserved to project writing and supervision only. The project size corresponds to 7.5 ECTS and must be handed in by December 20th at the Exam Office no later than 3 PM. The project will serve as starting point at the following oral exam.

Litteratur udover forskningsartikler: To be announced 
Afholdelse (tid og sted)
Kurset afholdes på følgende tid og sted:
Onsdag 10.00-12.00 Forelæsning ITU Multimedielab
Onsdag 13.00-15.00 Øvelser ITU Multimedielab
Fredag 10.00-12.00 Forelæsning ITU 3A18
Fredag 13.00-15.00 Øvelser ITU Multimedielab

Eksamen afholdes på følgende tid og sted:
2006-12-20 15:00 / 3 PM Skriftlige arbejder ITU Eksamenskontoret / Exam Office
2007-01-16 Tidspunkt oplyses senere Mundtlig eksamen ITU Lokale oplyses senere
2007-01-17 Tidspunkt oplyses senere Mundtlig eksamen ITU Lokale oplyses senere
2007-01-18 Tidspunkt oplyses senere Mundtlig eksamen ITU Lokale oplyses senere