IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):IT, Globalisation and Culture 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):IT, Globalisation and Culture 
Semester:Efterår 2017 
Udbydes under:Bachelor i global virksomhedsinformatik (bgbi) 
Omfang i ECTS:15,00 
Min. antal deltagere:15 
Forventet antal deltagere:
Maks. antal deltagere:70 
Formelle forudsætninger:
Læringsmål:After the course, the students should be able to:

• Account for different definitions of IT, globalization and culture.

In addition the students should be able to:

• Identify and analyze examples of the role of culture and technology in global processes.

• Identify and analyze examples of social, political and practical issues pertaining to technological, global and cultural change.

• Identify and critically assess knowing and knowledge generation in globally-distributed organisations, cultural contexts, and technologies.

• Analyse documentary, case-based evidence in a global cultural context.

• Design a media-based collaboration in a global cultural context 
Fagligt indhold:The course provides students with an understanding of the social and cultural challenges and opportunities associated with IT in a global context. Concretely students get to analyze the role of cultural issues in organizations in the context of global processes of change. Theoretically, this will allow the students to work with the following themes:
- What is globalization?
- What is culture?
- What is IT?
- What is the role of culture and technology in global processes and organizations? 
Læringsaktiviteter:14 ugers undervisning bestående af forelæsninger og øvelser

The course is organized around lectures, group exercises, student presentations, and written assignments that are to become a portfolio. The portfolio will reflect the topics that we work with during the course. The group exercises consist of practical and theoretical work that trains the identification, analysis and critical reflections about the themes of the course.

Required preparation for each time: Readings. Preparation from time to time will also include presentations of a text, writing of portfolio-assignments and commenting on the portfolios of other students. 

Obligatoriske aktivititer:Der er ingen obligatoriske aktiviteter. Vær venlig KUN at ændre denne tekst når der er obligatoriske aktiviteter./
There are no mandatory activities. Please, change this text ONLY when there are mandatory activities. 
Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:C: Skriftlige arbejder uden mundtlig eksamen., (7-scale, external exam)

The students are evaluated on the basis of a portfolio that each student builds up during the course of the semester through the submission of four essays. Toward the end of the course the portfolio is turned into a written exam.  

Litteratur udover forskningsartikler:The students are required to buy the book (ordered to the KUA bookstore):

Hylland Eriksen, Thomas: "Globalization", Bloomsbury ( 2nd ed) 2014