IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):Mobile og distribuerede systemer (tidligere Distribuerede systemer og protokoller) 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):Mobile and Distributed Systems (formerly Distributed Systems and Protocols) 
Semester:Efterår 2012 
Udbydes under:Bachelor i softwareudvikling (bswu) 
Omfang i ECTS:7,50 
Min. antal deltagere:12 
Forventet antal deltagere:70 
Maks. antal deltagere:80 
Formelle forudsætninger:In order to participate at this course you must be able to use all major elements of the Java language for implementing and testing medium sized programs, including threads, inheritance, packages, I/O, streams and serialisation.
These competencies can be obtained by completing the mandatory programming module on the M.Sc. programme Software Development and Technology or the first year of the B.Sc. in Software Development.


Information about the course of study

Information om studiestruktur
Dette kursus indgår på tredje semester på bacheloruddannelsen i software.
Information om kursusspærring
Bemærk at der er kursusspærring mellem dette kursus og det tidligere kursus Distribuerede systemer og protokoller. 
Læringsmål:After the course you are expected to be able to:
• describe and use fundamental architectures, principles and models used in designing and constructing mobile and distributed systems.
• describe and use basic concepts in mobile and distributed systems for evaluation and designing of solutions to problems in the field. The areas covered are: Fundamental models and architectures, Networking and Internetworking, Interprocess communication, Remote Invocation, External Data Representation, Web Services and Process-oriented Computing (BPMN), Indirect communication (Group communication and Message/event-based systems), Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing, Android programming, Time and Global States, Coordination and Agreement, Transactions and Concurrency Control, Security, Formal Models of mobile and distribute systems.
• Implement distributed, and mobile systems in practice with the help of the above techniques in Java, JavaScript and Android.
• Implement small distributed systems using Java and JavaScript on PC and Android platforms by modifying and extending existing code with only limited documentation. 
Fagligt indhold:Programs of today typically exhibit aspects of concurrency (or parallelism), distribution, or mobility or even all of them. In a concurrent system parts of the programs proceed simultaneously - for example in different threads or using event dispatching. In a distributed system parts of the system are spread over a number of programs communicating over a network to cooperatively provide a service. The network may be anything from the local network in a building to the entire Internet.

Rather than studying specific vendors' tools and frameworks, we will be concerned with the theories that inevitably are the underpinnings of all vendors' solutions. In this course we will study some of the fundamental techniques used when developing, from a theoretical as well as from a practical point of view. In particular, the techniques are demonstrated throughout the course in lab assignments.

However, note that this is an introductory course. This means that the course will not make you an expert in any of the above fields, but it will provide the foundation on which to continue with specialization courses or self-study.

The course covers a number of topics, including:
• Communication over the network leads to dropped and reordered packets which requires robust request/reply and multicast protocols.
• Since programs communicate over an open and potentially faulty network, they must employ security, and it is difficult for them to synchronize on time, leaders, and data consistency. Protocols for encryption, authentication, authorisation, time synchronization, logical time, consensus, and data distribution address such issues.
• In order to support changes and evolution of it-systems loosely coupled architectures such as Service Oriented Architecture are employed, as well as process-oriented architectures for combining services in process flows in an adaptable way.
• Mobile and Ubiquitous computing has become widespread with the integration of computers and mobile phones and tablets like Android and iOS. Moreover, sensors based on RFID tags, bluetooth and GPS are becoming widespread – opening for new possibilities for applications such as location awareness, and new challenges for the implementations. 
Læringsaktiviteter:12 forelæsninger og 12 øvelsesgange

Lectures cancelled in week 35 - the course begins in week 36
12 weeks of teaching consisting of lectures and exercises followed by 2 weeks of training for the exam.
This is a 7,5 ECTS course which requires the average student to spend 12-15 hours every week in the term (including the exam period) on reading, participating in class work, solving exercises or refreshing/training for the exam. Expect to spend more time if you do not entirely fulfill the prerequisites.
During weekly classes we will present and discuss the theoretical aspects and practical implications assuming that you have already read the literature for that class - that is, you must read the literature before attending.
Weekly exercises will allow you to work with the topics on your own with the help of a teaching assistant. Both lectures and lab exercises (non-mandatory as well as mandatory) are part of the curriculum and learning activities preparing for the exam. 

Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:X. experimental examination form (7-scale; external exam), 7-trins-skala, Ekstern censur

The duration of the written examination is 4 hour(s).

There will be 6 mandatory exercises of which at least 5 must be handed in and approved in order to register for the exam.

Submission/completion of mandatory activities before Friday 30 November 2012 at 15:00.  

Litteratur udover forskningsartikler:Literature not including research article:*George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg, Sape Mullender, Gordon Blair - ISBN-10 0-273-76059-9 • ISBN-13 978-0-273-76059-7- 2011, 5. edition, Pearson International Edition.
Parts of the BPMN 2.0 Specification (available online from OMG)
Online Material on REST, Web Services in Java, WSDL.
Additional online material may be added 
Afholdelse (tid og sted)
Kurset afholdes på følgende tid og sted:
Mandag 12.00-13.50 Forelæsning ITU Aud 1
Mandag 14.00-15.50 Øvelser ITU Aud 1, GameLab, 4A56, 4A58
Mandag 16.00-17.50 Øvelser ITU Aud 1, 4A56, 4A58

Eksamen afholdes på følgende tid og sted:
2013-01-07 Tidspunkt oplyses senere Skriftlig eksamen ITU 4A14,4A16+3A12,3A14