IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):E-government (KURSET ER AFLYST) 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):E-government (COURSE CANCELED) 
Semester:Efterår 2013 
Udbydes under:Master i It-ledelse (ilm) 
Omfang i ECTS:7,50 
Min. antal deltagere:12 
Forventet antal deltagere:20 
Maks. antal deltagere:30 
Formelle forudsætninger:No particular prerequisites although it would be preferable if the student has some degree of prior knowledge about Public Sector - Central, Local, Health sector.
It would be beneficial to combine this course with the course on Enterprise Architecture. 
Læringsmål:After this course the student would be able to:
- Explain and define purpose and characteristics for Government ICT projects as it relates to bureaucracy, hierarchies and inter-organisational networks.
. Explain and discuss logical and technical prerequisites for eGovernment - including Governance, Identity Management, Service Management, Portfolio Management, SOA, standards
- Assess and evaluate ICT Maturity in public/semi-public organisations and discuss choice of maturity criteria based on models as defined by EU, OECD and others (i.e. 'The Economist')
- Perform comparisons between different eGovernment strategies in relation to levels of ambition, expected economic and social impact, general requirements for infrastructure and explain how this can be observed in different countries - with a focus on Denmark, but also including EU, Australia, US, Canada and UK.
- Define generic business cases and cost/benefit models as part of the implementation plan for eGovernment projects
- Discuss and assess typical risks and risk management tools and relate to practical cases
- Discuss and predict possible development trends for eGovernment in relation to web 2.0, social networking, cloud computing, 'Big Data' and mobility 
Fagligt indhold:The course will provide the students with an introduction to the strategies and underlying methodologies as these are defined in national eGov strategies, EU strategies and other international recommendation (OECD, UN).
As a foundation we will discuss organisational theory and theories related to social studies as these relate to public organisations and in this context discuss methods to assess maturity as well as the typical defined objectives and methodologies deployed for business cases, benefit/cost analysis in order to define strategic goals for eGovernment in a national or sub-sector context.
We will include web 2.0 and social networking methods and experiences as well as recent trends in technology and discuss how these trends can be utilised and how they will change the need and demand for public services. In this context we will discuss 'Democracy 3.0' and inclusion of citizens into the political life. (e-Elections, petitions, hearings, referenda)

The focus will be on eGovernment services, digitalisation strategies and projects, including eHealth, and a number of practical cases will be used as a basis for the students to test application of relevant tools and methods during their analysis. Portfolio selection and prioritisation techniques will illustrated, including a case based on the development of the ICT strategy for Greenland. Other cases will focus on project implementation of eGovernment projects including choice of governance model and estimated outcome/value of these projects. 
Læringsaktiviteter:12 forelæsninger og 12 øvelsesgange

During the first part of the course the objective of the lectures is to establish a methodological and theoretical overview of the topic to be used a s a foundation for the associated exercises, to help understand how these methods and theories can by applied in practice

During the second part of the course the lectures will be supplemented with a few guest speakers - (Erik Bonnerup, to discuss 'Why Public IT-investment fails', Lars Frelle Petersen, director for the Danish department for Digitalisation, Ministry of Finance, Claus Nielsen, Delta on welfare technology, Chris Mora Jensen on public tendering - depending on availability.)
These guest lecturers are performed by key players in the Danish eGovernment arena.

The exercises will include analysis of eGovernment applications, stakeholder analysis, evaluation of impact and issues of current and planned strategies as well as exercises to discus and define relevant use of social networks, identity management, eVoting pros and cons etc.

The course are primarily developed to meet the need of students that either plan to make a career within the public sector or a job as a developer or consultant with a focus on the Public sector as a market/customer. 

Obligatoriske aktivititer:Eksamenskarakteren er en sammenvejning af bedømmelse af mundtlig
præstation og det skriftlige miniprojekt

Indstilling til eksamen forudsætter:
– Godkendt valg af miniprojekt efter max 12 forelæsning.
– Deltagelse i minimum 6 ud af de 11 øvelser 
Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:X. experimental examination form (7-scale; external exam), 7-trins-skala, Ekstern censur

Miniprojekt: Udarbejd forslag til implementering af et tænkt eGovernmentprojekt
- 10-15 mulige cases 1 elev - Max 20 sider excl. bilag, 2 elever Max 40 sider excl. bilag
Bedømmelsen foretages på grundlag af de studerendes evne til at opfylde
målsætningen for kurset som anført.

Mundtlig eksamens varighed er 30 minutter per eksaminand.  

Litteratur udover forskningsartikler:Vincent Homburg: Understanding e-government – ISBN 978-0-415-43094-4
Christopher C. Hood and Helen Z. Margetts: The tools of Government in the digital Age – ISBN 978-0-230-00144-2
Paul G Nixon m.fl.: Understanding E-Government in Europe – ISBN 978-0-415-46800-8
Paul Henman: Governing Electronically – ISBN 978-0-230-20588-8
Patrick Dunleavy m.fl.: Digital Era Governance – ISBN 978-0-19-954700-5
Jane E. Fountain: Building the virtual State – ISBN 0-8157-0077-6