IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):Transmedial Storytelling 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):Transmedial Storytelling 
Semester:Efterår 2015 
Udbydes, digital design og kommunikation (ddk) 
Omfang i ECTS:7,50 
Min. antal deltagere:12 
Forventet antal deltagere:
Maks. antal deltagere:35 
Formelle forudsætninger:
Læringsmål:After following this course, the student should be able to:
• Analyse how the user changes position between audience and producer depending on media modalities and across mediacities.
• Explain and discuss how a story or a concept can be presented in different ways depending on the mode of the medium used to communicate.
• Recognize and plan for the affordances and limitations of media modalities.
• Outline a transmedial campaign or story, and justify the plan from concepts in the curriculum.
• Analyse existing examples of transmedial campaigns or stories. 
Fagligt indhold:Please note, that due to technical challenges, changes may occur before the start of the semester (week 35) – this applies to all sections of the course description.

The computer crosses boundaries between previously separate fields of communication, or media. This is exemplified with the boundaries between traditional media, but also between humans and technology, and between the public and private. The computer is transmedial not just in how it comprises several traditional media, but also through how it creates liminal space; it blurs the boundaries between the different modes of communication. This makes it easy to use digital media to create new connections and new meaning in mediated spaces, and offers new understandings of the range of users of a text, as they emerge beyond traditional positions of producers and audience.

This is a benefit for artistic expression, individual identity formation, and professional strategic communication. In order to demonstrate how transmedial storytelling is rising as the new communication standard, this course focuses on three aspects of the computer as a transmedial technology:

1. Transmedial stories: How we follow trends and stories across media, and how the computer connects them.
2. Transmedial technologies: We look at games, video, music, art, literature, and how the computer offers users new communication strategies and options.
3. Transmedial targeted communication: How to think critically on planned communication across media, targets and strategies. 
Læringsaktiviteter:14 ugers undervisning bestående af forelæsninger, øvelser og vejledning

The course spans 14 lecture weeks, and the teaching will be organized in seminars combined with independent work and regular lectures. Some weeks will be more teaching-intensive than other, while others will be dedicated to individual efforts. The learning activities will be organized around topics and 3-4 specific examples of transmedial communication and stories, which are then investigated through theory, analysis and experiences.

The students will be expected to:
Be prepared for lectures, based on the time schedule and reading list to be published at the beginning of the course.
Participate in discussions and events in seminars, actively search for examples and bring these to the table in common discussions.
Work independently on their short portfolio tasks.
Actively use the opportunities for supervision from teaching assistants and professors in periods with less organized teaching. 

Obligatoriske aktivititer:Each student will have to submit 3 short works through the term, all have to be passed in order to proceed to the oral assessment. These works should be submitted individually, but may reflect the work of a group. 
Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:X: Eksperimentel eksamensform., (7-scale, external exam)

The duration of the oral exam is 30 minutes pr. student including evaluation and feedback

The obligatory works form a portfolio which is to be presented and discussed at the final oral exam. It is permitted to make changes to the works in the portfolio until three weeks before the oral exam. The final oral assessment will give a grade on the 7 point scale.

Portfolio consisting of the 3 obligatory works are submitted three weeks prior to the oral re-exam.  

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