IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):Cross-disciplinary course: Collaboration with Peking University 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):Cross-disciplinary course: Collaboration with Peking University 
Semester:Forår 2009 
Udbydes, softwareudvikling og -teknologi (sdt) 
Omfang i ECTS:7,50 
Min. antal deltagere:
Forventet antal deltagere:15 
Maks. antal deltagere:30 
Formelle forudsætninger: To participate in this course it is required that you

  • have a valid ITU student card
  • have finalised minimum 1 semester (30 ECTS) at ITU.

    The course is relevant for all students at all ITU study programmes, since it includes a “real-life” inter-disciplinary project. The best possible project teams will include students with all types of competences; technical, business oriented, games focused, design or communication oriented.

    Master and diploma students can also follow the course.

    The projects should preferably involve students with various different backgrounds and students will be selected on the basis of current study programme enrollment, and possibly a short interview. 
  • Læringsmål:Intended Learning Objectives

    After the course, the student is generally expected to be able to relate choices and actions to the scientific theories and literature of the field. Specifically, the student is expected to be able to perform actions in the following areas:

    1. Location based service systems (10%)

  • Apply the theory of context aware computing to the design of an application (no technical experience required)
  • Evaluate an implementation of a simple location based service system application

    2. Tools for web-based communication and collaboration (10%)

  • Explain the distinguishing properties of different communication and collaboration tools
  • Argue for choice of appropriate communication and collaboration tools
  • Reflect upon communication and collaboration tools used in a distributed mini-project

    3. Distributed teamwork and project management (50%)

  • Compare and argue for choice of appropriate method of responsibility division / team roles
  • Reflect on the dynamics of the the individual “roles” in a project team
  • Plan and implement work processes and time scheduling in a distributed project team
  • Plan and implement a communication strategy for a distributed project
  • Document project communication processes using appropriate IT tools
  • Reflect on the challenge of cross-disciplinary and inter-cultural collaboration in day-to-day communication with team members
  • Argue for choice of method for resolution of inter-team conflicts

    4. Global software development (30%)

  • Explain pros and cons of global IT development
  • Assess the feasibility of outsourcing an IT development project
  • Prepare and handle a small distributed IT development project
  • Apply personal specialist knowledge of any part of the software development process to a project; specialist knowledge could be within: concept development, requirement specification, software design, programming, interface design, software testing, usability testing, etc.
  • Develop a software product or a testable prototype, as part of a distributed project team 
  • Fagligt indhold:There has been a recent shift in the labour market towards globalising processes. The course aims at preparing the student for participating in and managing global IT development processes, based on scientific theories of inter-cultural communication, computer-mediated communication, team work, global software development, outsourcing and international UI design. Additionally, basic software development methods and context aware computing will be introduced as a basis for using the theories in practice.

    A major challenge in this particular course is a collaboration with students in China on a concrete distributed software development project; developing a simple game application involving location-based service systems (e.i. the ability to track the physical location of games participants in a building) 

    The course will have lectures and some exercises 1 day a week.

    Additionally, the course will include a 8-week hands-on collaboration project in mixed teams with Chinese students located in Beijing, followed up by a few mandatory hand-ins.

    This project will take place in March-April during which you are expected to engage in project activities at odd hours, typically at 8am. 

    Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:X. experimental examination form (7-scale; external exam), 7-trins-skala, Ekstern censur

    The course will be evaluated from the degree of fulfillment of the intended learning outcomes. Percentages attributed to the intended learning outcomes indicate expected emphasis and time spent on each area.

    Mandatory hand-ins will not be graded, but are prerequisites for attending the final exams.


    Litteratur udover forskningsartikler:  
    Afholdelse (tid og sted)
    Kurset afholdes på følgende tid og sted:
    Tirsdag 09.00-12.00 Forelæsning ITU 4A20 (Undervisning fra 9-11)
    Tirsdag 13.00-15.00 Øvelser ITU 4A54 (Undervisning fra 12-14)

    Eksamen afholdes på følgende tid og sted:
    2009-05-20 Senest kl. 15.00 Skriftlige arbejder ITU Eksamenskontoret
    2009-06-15 Tidsrum oplyses senere Mundtlig eksamen ITU 4A30
    2009-06-16 Tidsrum oplyses senere Mundtlig eksamen ITU 4A30