IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):Enterprise Systems and Information Management 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):Enterprise Systems and Information Management 
Semester:Efterår 2018 
Udbydes under:Bachelor i global virksomhedsinformatik (bgbi) 
Omfang i ECTS:15,00 
Min. antal deltagere:15 
Forventet antal deltagere:
Maks. antal deltagere:75 
Formelle forudsætninger:This course is part of the third semester in the bachelor’s degree in Global Business Informatics. 
Læringsmål:After the course the students should be able to:
• Explain core concepts covered in the course; Enterprise Systems, Information Management, Integrated business processes, and Business Intelligence.
• Describe different types of enterprise systems and explain their role in supporting information management
• Explain how an ERP system promotes an integrated approach to business processes
• Explain the challenges of implementing Enterprise Systems especially defining categories (data definitions) for integrated business processes

In addition the students have to demonstrate (as part of the project work) that they can:
• Conduct project work following academic standards taught in the course
• Develop an appropriate research design for the project work reflecting upon different options and qualifying their decisions.
• Analyze information and information process requirements in specific business process contexts focusing on how to support collaboration, decision-making, and provision of quality services and products. The result should be presented as a requirements specification.
• Relate identified information processing requirements to different options for designing IT support and analyze the relative strengths of these options.
• Create decision support to help businesses select appropriate systems solutions.
• Reflect upon the project work; research design, process, result, learning ect. 
Fagligt indhold:The objectives of the course are to enable the student to analyze information management practices and needs in business process contexts, to evaluate how different types of enterprise systems can support information management, and to help firms select and design systems for information management in business process contexts. Information management plays a key role in shaping business processes and organizational performance. Key challenges relate to how to capture, store and share information between the involved actors and across
organizational boundaries. The ultimate goal is to provide up-to-date,
reliable, and readily-available information to support collaboration,
decision-making, and provision of quality services and products. A number
of different types of enterprise systems are available for these purposes.To this end the course also aims to show how integrated processes create value, and demonstrate how these processes look in an enterprise system through hands-on lab exercises using any available ERP frameworks. 
Læringsaktiviteter:12 forelæsninger og 12 øvelsesgange

The course is organized around a project on “Information management
challenges and enterprise systems solutions in business process
innovation.” The project is organized in smaller groups (3-5 students) and
aims to innovate a real-world business process in a specific business
context through improved information management and enabled by specific
systems solutions. Each group must analyze the as-is-process, diagnose
information related challenges and options, and in conclusion provide
recommendations for how to innovate the process through specific system
options. The project is supported by lectures and readings on enterprise
systems & information management. Each student will receive one grade
based on the project report and an individual oral exam in which the
student defends the report and engages in discussion of the readings
related to the course. 

Obligatoriske aktivititer:Der er ingen obligatoriske aktiviteter. Vær venlig KUN at ændre denne tekst når der er obligatoriske aktiviteter.
There are no mandatory activities. Please, change this text ONLY when there are mandatory activities. 
Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:D22: Aflevering med mundtlig eksamen suppleret af aflevering., (7-scale, external exam)

Oral examination with written work but without time for preparation at the

Oral exam: 10 minutes group presentation followed by an individual exam of 20 minutes.
Hand-in: Group project report of 8.000-16.000 words in total