IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):Billedanalyse 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):Image Analysis 
Semester:Forår 2002 
Udbydes, multimedieteknologi (mmt) 
Omfang i ECTS:7,50 
Min. antal deltagere:
Forventet antal deltagere:12 
Maks. antal deltagere:25 
Formelle forudsætninger:The prerequists are fulfilled if you have passed:

1. Highest level of high school math

2."Basics of programming" from ITU or equivalent

3."Signal processing" from ITU or equivalent.

The prerequists are further elaborated below.

A.Math prerequists:

- Highest level of high school math or equivalent

- One dimensional Fourier series and fourier transform, complex numbers, integration and differentiation of functions of several variables, vector and matrix algebra.

B. Programing prerequists

- General programing skills

JAVA itself is not essential. The essential skills are:

-- Knowledge of simple datastructures.

-- Ability to construct simple programs.

-- Ability to assess on the efficiency and the correctness of a program.

-- A structured approach to testing of small programs.

- Matlab programming skills.

Matlab on a level which can be achieved at the course "Signal processing". That is the ability to design and implement small matlab programs and the ability to understand, explain and make minor modifications to large matlab programs.

C. Signal processing prerequists

The student can answer the following to a great detail including describing the underlying math: What is a signal, a measurement, noise, the difference between an analog world and the digital world, one dimensional convolution, correlation, filtering, low/high/bandpass filtering.  
Læringsmål:The objectives of the course is to introduce the students to the basic concepts, methods and algorithms of digital manipulation, analysis, and understanding of images.

After the course the student can

- explain the basic concepts within image procesing.

- describe the related methods and algorithms.

- develop minor image processing systems.

- implement the systems in the language Matlab.

- do basic programing in the language Matlab.

- construct larger image processing systems by concatenating own and build-in matlab routines.

In this way theoretical and pratical skills in the use, development and programming of image analysis algortihms are gained.

Fagligt indhold:The course covers subjects in global image processing (global histograms), local image processing (local histograms, filterings), perceptual and digital color theory, image analysis (necessary differential geometry, feature detection, template matching, segmentation) and image understanding (pattern recognition, scale-space).

Examples will be drawn for medical imaging and industrial applications.

2D image analysis will be the main topic but 3D image analysis on medical scannings will also be introduced.  

Lectures, Matlab exercises, Class room exercises, mandatory assigments. 

Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:X. experimental examination form (7-scale; external exam), 13-skala, Intern censur

Oral examination for 40 minuts including voting and feedback leaving about 30 minuts of examination time.There will not be any preparation time.

The curriculum, personale notes and a few overheads (written prior to the exam) can be used during the examination.

Mandatory assigments have to be approved but are not part of the grading. There will be 2 or 3 mandatory assigments during the semester.

The grade will be given according to the 13-scale.  

Litteratur udover forskningsartikler:Course book plus articles.

The course book is "Digital Image Processing" by Gonzalez and Woods, second edition ISBN 0-201-18075-8.