IT-Universitetet i København
  Tilbage Kursusoversigt
Kursusnavn (dansk):Intranet: kommunikation og samarbejde 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):The Corporate Intranet 
Semester:Efterår 2002 
Udbydes, internet- og softwareteknologi (int) 
Omfang i ECTS:10,00 
Min. antal deltagere:
Forventet antal deltagere:
Maks. antal deltagere:24 
Formelle forudsætninger:forudsætter et
grundlæggende kendskab til Internet-teknologier og deres anvendelse /
the course requires basic knowledge of Internet technologies and
Læringsmål:To provide students with an opportunity to gain insight into ways in
which modern Internet technologies may support communication,
cooperation and knowledge sharing in virtual organizations. At the same
time students will gain some experience with analyzing organizations and
their use of IT. 
Fagligt indhold:The course delas with the implementation and use of advanced
intranets in large, complex and distributed organizations - theoretically and
illustrated by a specific case. The course focuses on the mutual adaptation
of technology and organization. Central aspects include:
- Organization and management of the intranet

  • Network architecture, network management and security
  • Development of intranet applications (models and tools)
  • Electronic publishing and information retrieval on the intranet
  • Groupware applications on the intranet
  • Knowledge management on the intranet
  • Development and use of so-called \"extranets\"

The students will study design and use of an intranet in a
company, and as part of their course work, students must reckon on spending a significant part of their time in a company - doing interviews and examining the use of the company\'s intranet applications.
The course may
lead up to writing a master\'s thesis.This course is given at DTU.

<a href=\"*\">DTU-course description is the official course description. 

Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:X. experimental examination form (7-scale; external exam), 13-skala, Ekstern censur

Oral exam and approval of reports. Exam graded by the danish 13 scale. External censor.  

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