IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):Digital kultur og samfund 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):Digital Culture and Society 
Semester:Efterår 2012 
Udbydes, digital design og kommunikation (ddk) 
Omfang i ECTS:15,00 
Min. antal deltagere:12 
Forventet antal deltagere:25 
Maks. antal deltagere:25 
Formelle forudsætninger:This is the last course in DDK-specialization "Social and Cultural IT". It is therefore assumed that the students are familiar with the methods covered in the first specialization course and can use these productively in empirical work. If you attend the course without having taken the first specialization course, you will need similar skills in qualitative methods research and data analysis in order to be successful in this course. 
Læringsmål:After this course students should be able to:
• Examine different perspectives on digital culture and society, and discuss their implications for the study of digital communication.
• Relate the study of digital culture and society to a broader historical context of information and communication technology.
• Identify different methodological approaches to the study of digital culture and society and discuss how methodological choices influence the resulting findings.
• Apply theoretical and methodological concepts key to the study of digital culture to development and implementation of individual thesis projects. 
Fagligt indhold:The course will cover material that will help students to:
• Gain insight into the social and cultural implications of IT
• Further develop and refine analytical and methodological skills related to the study of digital culture and society

Relevant themes covered in these course include:
• Notions of culture as these are considered from an interdisciplinary point of view
• Cultural practice as identity formation online
• Cultural practice as a relational construct
• The network society as a cultural construct
• Community and virtuality
• Trust and privacy as cultural constructs
• Mobility and location-based services
• Imaginaries of digital futures
• Ethical and methodological challenges

Students are expected to come prepared to each lecture and actively engage in course activities 
Læringsaktiviteter:14 ugers undervisning bestående af forelæsninger og øvelser

The course consists of 14 lessons four hours each: Tuesdays 10-14
The first lecture will provide an overview of the course and begin by considering different conceptions of culture in different disciplines. Most sessions will be a combination of lectures, discussions, exercises and practical guidance. A portion of the course will be dedicated to provide scaffolding for the development of exam projects. The course activities include one required in-class presentation of an assigned reading, 3 required written assignments and mandatory participation in the final group oral presentation seminar. 

Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:X. experimental examination form (7-scale; external exam), 7-trins-skala, Ekstern censur


Litteratur udover forskningsartikler:
Afholdelse (tid og sted)
Kurset afholdes på følgende tid og sted:
Tirsdag 10.00-11.50 Forelæsning ITU 4A22
Tirsdag 12.00-13.50 Øvelser ITU 4A22

Eksamen afholdes på følgende tid og sted:
2012-12-12 Tidspunkt oplyses senere Eksamensopgave 1 ITU Lokale oplyses senere