IT-Universitetet i København
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Kursusnavn (dansk):IT Foundations 
Kursusnavn (engelsk):IT Foundations 
Semester:Efterår 2016 
Udbydes under:Bachelor i global virksomhedsinformatik (bgbi) 
Omfang i ECTS:7,50 
Min. antal deltagere:60 
Forventet antal deltagere:60 
Maks. antal deltagere:80 
Formelle forudsætninger:


Læringsmål:After the course, the student should be able to:

• Account for abstraction layers, models, and components that form an IT system
• Create simple interactive computer programs using fundamental programming language constructs
• Reason about IT systems based on basic knowledge about computer hardware and software layers, including internet operation
• Evaluate the feasibility and identifying major difficulties in solving a specified problem with a computer program
• Interpret and use common terminology concerning IT systems and tasks, to an extent that allows exchanging ideas and information with IT specialists 
Fagligt indhold:Please note, that due to technical challenges, changes may occur before the start of the semester (week 35) – this applies to all sections of the course description.

The course conveys a fundamental understanding of the foundations underlying all IT systems, essential for the ability to make correct decisions that in any way involve information technology. This includes knowledge of abstract components and hierarchies by which complex tasks can be adressed as manageable problems:

• Hardware, logic, machine code, and high level languages.
• Operating systems and application programs.
• Networking clients and servers.
• How different problems are categorized as belonging to different disciplines, each with their well-defined tools.
• What programs are, the use of basic programming constructs, how they are internally represented, and how they run on underlying hardware.

In order to allow students to grasp these various aspects, the course includes exercises that let students try out software, create their own rudimentary programs, and experiment with systems and technologies on a more basic level than computer users normally encounter. Understanding of surrounding and underlying parts of systems are supported by these practical experiences. 
Læringsaktiviteter:12 forelæsninger og 12 øvelsesgange

Part of teaching is organized around group work, where students are assigned tasks of exploring and describing different technologies. 

Obligatoriske aktivititer:Der er ingen obligatoriske aktiviteter. Vær venlig KUN at ændre denne tekst når der er obligatoriske aktiviteter./
There are no mandatory activities. Please, change this text ONLY when there are mandatory activities. 
Eksamensform og -beskrivelse:X: Eksperimentel eksamensform., (7-scale, internal exam)

Assessment is based on two components: a group work (1/3 of the final grade) and an individual (4 hours) written examination (2/3 of the final grade). A passing grade for each of the components is required for a total passing grade.

For the group works, the topics, groups, deadlines, and nature of group deliverables are decided during the first four weeks of the teaching. Examples of possible deliverables are website definitions, text, software code, or videos. Each group will give a short presentation of their work in class, but only the deliverable is subject to grading. The deliverable is accompanied by a declaration of the individual contribution of each student, which students may be required to verify personally and orally. A passing grade on the group work is required in order for students to be allowed to take the written exam.

The written examination is held on premises. It consists of questions about the course curriculum and one or more programing tasks. Restricted use of computers is permitted and recommended.

- Reading documents locally on personal computer,
- writing, running, and debugging Javascript code,
- accessing official course information on Learnit,
- desktop calculator or equivalent, and
- accessing a dictionary, e.g., English to Danish.

- Everything else. In particluar:
- searching or freely browsing the internet, and
- communicating with anybody over the network.

On re-examination (for students who fail to pass the regular exam), each student will be required to submit a deliverable (software code and text), and in oral examination defend their contents, show comprehension of the deliverable, and answer questions about any parts of the course curriculum. The requirements for the deliverable is specified one week before examination, and is decided with consideration of the student's assigned group work subject. Basis for grading is the combination of deliverable and examination. The time for examination is 30 minutes.The re-exam is with two examiners.  

Litteratur udover forskningsartikler:Main course book: Brian W. Kernighan, "D is for Digial", Createspace 2011.

Parts of the following books are also to be included in the curriculum: Lawrence Snyder, "Fluency with Information Technology", 5th edition, 2012; and Charles Petzold, "Code", Microsoft Press 2000.