me and date
Monday 5 December from 14.00 - 16.00
Place: 2A08

The use of PowerPoint in presentation is extensive in modern universities and the benefit from this tool is obvious: It provides the presenter with the ability to distribute models photos and text in order to support the verbal presentation the slideshow can be produced in advance and saved afterwards the text is easier to read than writing on boards etc.
However these advantages sometimes backfires for instance when the PowerPoint show controls the tempo and direction of the lecture when the information load becomes to massive and the written and spoken word competes for the students attention. Also quite often students tend to become more passive when PowerPoint shows are used too extensively partly because it often increases the one-way communication and partly because note taking becomes less important.

In this workshop we will discuss how to use PowerPoint wisely and with the focus on student learning.
The main topics will be:

Pros and cons when using PowerPoint
General guidelines for use of PowerPoint
Illustrations and models in PowerPoint
PowerPoint and timing
PowerPoint and interaction

The workshop consists of presentations discussions and exercises. Participant should bring their own laptop and a PowerPoint show they want to work with during the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes
After this workshop the participants should be able to

Critically redesign their own slides based on general guidelines for use of PowerPoint
Design slides with visual aids in order to enhance students learning outcome
Use timing and the animation function in order to make more coherent presentations
Use slides as tool for interaction in lectures

Learning consultant Eva Ulstrup

Sign up before 20 October 2016 to Kearning Consultant Mikkel Hvidtfeldt Andersen