Wondering what effects it should have on IT University educations when other educations are free and online?

Come to teachIT Friday 26 October 2012 from 13-15 at ITU (room 4A14) and take part in an open discussion of:

What it might mean to the IT University that some of the internationally recognized universities are now offering free online educations to the whole world?
Does it make us want to think differently about our forms of delivery or content?
Is it an advantage or thread to our master programmes?
Key note speaker e-learning expert Anita Monty will describe what it is these free online educations actually offer and help us reflect on what it means to the IT University. Watch the presentation.

This time the teachIT workshop has a different form and intention than usually. Rather than focusing on getting better at teaching we are trying to focus on a larger educational trend.

Background and references
Coursera hosts and streams courses for 33 universities: Coursera started by two computer science professors at Stanford University will now offer more than 200 courses from 33 institutions that are open to anyone with Internet access. (in Onlinetoday.com on 21 September 2012: 17 more top universities offer free classes online)

Thomas Friedmann in The New York Times about coursera: Free course lectures online but also a system of testing grading student-to-student help and awarding certificates of completion of a course for under $100. [] courses online from computing to the humanities offered by professors from Stanford Princeton Michigan and the University of Pennsylvania. The biggest enrollments are from the United States Britain Russia India and Brazil.

EdX a competing [to Coursera] online platform founded by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced this month that it will start giving students the option of taking proctored final exams which will allow them to earn independently validated certificates to show potential employers or educational institutions. (in Onlinetoday.com on 21 September 2012: 17 more top universities offer free classes online)

Mandag morgen article august 2012: Universiteterne tror ikke p online lring

Participants: All internal/external lecturers PhDs and Post Docs are welcome at the workshop. Assistant Professors and Post. Docs. earn credit on their Assistant Professors Programme if they participate at this workshop. Participation in one teachIT workshop counts for Module 3 on the Pedagogical Course for PhDs.

We need to know who is coming so sign up before Wednesday 24 October 2012 by sending an e-mail to Annelise Agertoft at anag@itu.dk.

Workshop facilitator this time is Associate Professor and Head of Studies Kasper sterbye. Read about the key note speaker Anita Monty here.

The workshop is recommended by Jens Christian Godskesen and Kasper sterbye.

More about other and teachIT workshops in general.