Section: Bachelor of Science in Global Business Informatics
Section: Bachelor of Science in Global Business Informatics
Section: Bachelor of Science in Global Business Informatics
Section: Bachelor of Science in Global Business Informatics
Section: Bachelor of Science in Global Business Informatics

This course is a practice-based course where the students will learn how to manage sustainability.

The world is facing severe economic and ecological challenges in relation to climate change, rising population and not least a growing middleclass. The International Panel for Climate Change, IPCC, has given us 12 years to act and reduce CO2 emissions. In a Danish context this means that we should reduce our average per capital CO2 emission from 17 tons to 2-3 tons. This challenges politics, innovation, technology development and not least social behavior. Denmark has made a national goal to be CO2 neutral in 2050 (with no plan how to do it yet), and the City of Copenhagen has made a climate plan aiming to be CO2 neutral in 2025.

In this course the students will be introduced to politics and technological development around sustainable transitions. The course will be planned around  real-life cases within smart city development and smart electricity. The case owner. Energy Lab Nordhavn, will pose 3 concrete challenges for the students to work on. The students will work in groups proposing conceptual solutions and discussing the chosen cases. The case owners will help the students get access to relevant data and stakeholders, just as they will be giving the students feedback during the process. The cases include challenges around managing sustainable development. The conceptual solutions may include strategy development, conceptual design solutions, organizing of partnerships, and guidelines for politics and citizens involvement. Besides working practically on the challenges, the students will have to discuss the case and their own solutions through literature from innovation studies, design theory, and social science and technology studies.

After the course the students will have hands-on experience and a basic understanding of work practices around sustainable development in the real world. They will be better qualified to  contribute to concrete solutions for city planning departments, environmental companies, and other relevant actors within sustainable development.


Section: Bachelor of Science in Global Business Informatics
Section: Bachelor of Science in Global Business Informatics
Section: Bachelor of Science in Global Business Informatics
Section: Bachelor of Science in Global Business Informatics